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Plugging into God’s Power Finding a power point for your faith.

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Presentation on theme: "Plugging into God’s Power Finding a power point for your faith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plugging into God’s Power Finding a power point for your faith

2 Is your faith connected? Jesus said, “Your faith has made you whole.” We believe that His power will heal us, and it will. But only when we plug our faith into it! Are you plugged in, or unplugged?

3 Jesus said, “Your faith has made you whole” to four “outsiders”: 1. A prostitute who anointed his feet and washed them with her tears (Luke 7:50) 2. A thankful leper who returned thank Jesus before going to a priest (Luke 17:19) 3. Bartimaeus the beggar (Mark 10:52) 4. A woman who was healed after she pushed through a crowd and touched the hem of his robe (Luke 8:48)

4 The prostitute followed Jesus into the home of a religious leader, wept at his feet, kissed them, dried them with her hair, and anointed them with ointment from an alabaster box. The leper returned to thank Jesus, He was a Samaritan, a people group despised by the Jews because of their counterfeit religion. Bartimaeus was a blind beggar who sat on the roadside. When told to be quiet, he shouted to Jesus louder than before. The woman’s condition meant she should not have been in the crowd. But she pushed through to Jesus, touched his robe as a point of contact, and released her faith.

5 None of the four were “insiders” who had a right to healing. None of them based their faith on promises in the Bible. Jesus attributed the result of their acts to their own faith. That faith plugged them into God’s healing power. Are you willing to plug your faith into God’s power?

6 The Big Question: Why are “outsiders” more often healed than “insiders”? The Obvious Answer: Faith in action beats a passive belief in the Bible any day! What did the four do, in today’s terms? Are you desperate enough to do what they did?

7 Will you worship Jesus in a situation foreign to the life you’ve been living? That’s what the crying prostitute did. Will you thank Jesus for your healing before asking a doctor to confirm it? That’s what the Samaritan leper did. Will you raise your voice above the cries of those who tell you to be quiet? That’s what Blind Bartimaeus did. Will you defy restrictions and obstacles to touch Jesus for your healing? That’s what the suffering woman did.

8 One of the greatest evangelists of the 20 th century was healed of T.B. after being placed in the back of a truck and driven a long distance to a Pentecostal healing meeting. Are you be that desperate? Or do you prefer to suffer rather than be prayed for in front of others in a meeting full of praising people?

9 The four plugged their faith into God’s power and were healed! It’s time to connect your faith to the same miracle-working power the same way they did!

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