Ruth Walker Cooperative Learning Ltd.. Who are Community Colleges? What is a QTLF for Community Colleges and why would we want one? Research questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Ruth Walker Cooperative Learning Ltd.. Who are Community Colleges? What is a QTLF for Community Colleges and why would we want one? Research questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ruth Walker Cooperative Learning Ltd.


3 Who are Community Colleges? What is a QTLF for Community Colleges and why would we want one? Research questions Research plan What are the drivers for a QTLF? Early findings and discussion

4  43 autonomous RTOs  Over 6 million hours of training (2010)  102,000 individual students  More than 500 locations (town/suburbs)  Metropolitan, remote and rural locations  Cooperative Learning Ltd is a legal cooperative comprised of 17 Community Colleges in Northern NSW

5 A QTLF might describe capabilities, work expectations and career paths for trainers and assessors. Could be used by Community Colleges for:  Designing job descriptions  Recruitment and selection of staff  Performance appraisal  Supporting new and developing trainers  Professional development plans and career plans  Showing links and pathways between jobs  Improving professionalism, teacher autonomy and capacity in CC

6  What could a quality teaching and learning framework for Community Colleges look like?  How could it be used by managers and by trainers?  How is professional development currently managed in Community Colleges?  Is there any value to having a specific QTLF for Community Colleges? Or would we benefit more from sharing the same QTLF adopted by other VET RTOs?

7 Literature review - drivers and best practice Survey Managers and Trainers regarding existing practice and views Recommendations for framework / draft framework

8 Greater demands on trainer skills Increasing demand for VET training More workplace training Increasing training objectives Casualisation More diverse learners National Agenda: Social Inclusion Participation Skills needs Aging workforce Qualification targets Workplace accountability and complexity

9  Productivity Commission (2011) VET Workforce Research Report  Skills Australia (2011) Skills for Prosperity  Mitchell and Ward (2010) National survey of VET practitioner skills  Wheelahan (2010) The quality of teaching in VET  Hugh Guthrie, Berwyn Clayton (2011) Scoping the feasibility of an association for VET professionals  IBSA (2011) Draft VET Capability Framework

10  Focus groups with College Managers reviewing the IBSA Capability Framework  Pros and cons of adopting this framework


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