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Reconstruction. Section 1 Lincoln’s plan called for former Confederate citizens to pledge loyality to the US Constitution President Johnson appointed.

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1 Reconstruction

2 Section 1 Lincoln’s plan called for former Confederate citizens to pledge loyality to the US Constitution President Johnson appointed W.W. Holden as governor in May of 1865. The NC convention of 1865 decided not to repay war debts. Black Codes were laws that limited the freedoms of formerly enslaved peoples that said things like AA who didn’t have a job could be jailed.

3 Lincoln issued a Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction to allow all but a few southerners a full pardon. The 13 th Amendment outlawed Slavery. Southern states had to ratify the 13 th Amendment to get back into the Union. Reconstruction was the rebuilding of the Southern States in order to bring them back into the Union

4 Section 2 Republicans in Congress opposed the policies of President Johnson Radical Republicans wanted to punish the former Confederate states. The Joint Committee on Reconstruction wanted to replace Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction. The Reconstruction act of 1867 returned former confederate states to military rule. The Freedman’s Bureau helped supply food, medicine, and other emergency goods to Southerners after the war. FB also helped former slaves by providing education

5 African American votes helped Grant become president W.W. Holden helped organize the Republican Party in NC. 14 th Amendment defined citizenship in a way to include AA’s, and also defined civil rights of all. Impeachment is accusing one of wrongdoing. NC was governed by a governor and a federal general. 15 th Amendment forbid denial to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

6 Section 3 Carpetbaggers were northerners who carried suitcases made of carpeting that would put in government and were corrupt. Southern Republicans were known as scalawags by their enemies who believed that anyone who worked for government was a crook or traitor. As wealthy planters were loosing control of government in NC it was becoming more democratic. (meaning more people had a voice in government)

7 The Civil Rights Act of 1871 gave Americans the right to challenge laws that restrict rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The KKK was a secret society of ex- confederates that used intimidation to try to return political power to white men.

8 Section 4 The period when Holden was governor in NC could be characterized the word corruption. Wyatt Outlaw and John Stephens were murdered by the KKK. Governor Holden used a militia in Alamance and Caswell counties try to stop the KKK from intimidating and killing it’s opponents. AKA the Kirk-Holden War.

9 After the Kirk-Holden War, Holden was convicted of corrupt government practices and impeached, or removed from office. President Rutherford B. Hayes withdrew the army from southern states in 1877. By this point many Republicans had lost interest in helping AA’s. The “Redeemers” passed taxes on things like tools, farm animals and voting, that were especially painful to AA’s and poor whites.

10 The End of Reconstruction

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