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 Neonatal: of or pertaining to newborn children  Nativity: Birth with reference to place.

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Presentation on theme: " Neonatal: of or pertaining to newborn children  Nativity: Birth with reference to place."— Presentation transcript:


2  Neonatal: of or pertaining to newborn children  Nativity: Birth with reference to place

3  Parallel: extending in the same direction, being equal at all points  Compare: to examine two objects to determine their similarities and differences

4  Repel: to drive or force back  Pulsate: to expand rhythmically as in a heartbeat

5  Omniscient: having complete or unlimited knowledge  Science: knowledge of the physical and material world through experimentation and observation

6  Tension: the act of stretching or straining  Extend: to stretch out or to draw out at full length

7  1. Privacy  2. Invasion  3.Equality  4. Childhood  5. Kindness

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