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IMPROVING OUR SERVICE Submitted By: Jessica Douglas Personal Service Representative Workforce Solutions – Lake Jackson Phone: (979) 297-6400

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Presentation on theme: "IMPROVING OUR SERVICE Submitted By: Jessica Douglas Personal Service Representative Workforce Solutions – Lake Jackson Phone: (979) 297-6400"— Presentation transcript:


2 IMPROVING OUR SERVICE Submitted By: Jessica Douglas Personal Service Representative Workforce Solutions – Lake Jackson Phone: (979) 297-6400 E-Mail:

3 W HAT IS THE M OST C HALLENGING D EMOGRAPHIC W E C URRENTLY S ERVE ??? Ex-Offenders? Single Parents? Senior Citizens? Disabled?

4 Why are youth customers so challenging to work with?  Services currently provided to youth customers do not equate to the level of participation we expect from youth customers. Customers do not feel the “value-added” for participating.  Lack of incentive for remaining an active participant in the program. Almost every case manager’s experienced the “why do you keep calling me” customer. Customer’s, especially youth, function with the “what’s in it for me” mentality. Currently there’s very little “in it for them” to actively participate with us.  Low expectations for parental involvement. Parents see very little reason to encourage their youth to continue participating.

5 H OW W OULD Y OU F EEL ? Last summer as a 17 year-old, you visited the Workforce Solutions because they said they could help you get a job. You turned in an application and went through the whole eligibility process. You found a summer job on your own, though Workforce Solutions did help you buy work clothes for your new job. Now, every month like clock-work, some lady from the Workforce Solutions calls you and asks you if you’re working, asks for a copy of your high school diploma, report cards, etc. You tell the lady you’ll try to get what she’s asking for, but you’re busy with school and work. You don’t feel like she helped you find your job, and don’t feel like you have any reason to get her what she is asking for. Honestly answer this question from the customer’s perspective… WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

6 H OW C AN WE C HANGE ? Offer tangible services that encourage youth and their parent(s) to continue active participation. Develop strategic partnerships with local businesses to offer youth-specific employment and OJT opportunities. Host youth specific events including job and education fairs, college financial aid seminars, and career development workshops. Develop strong relationships with local schools to help recruit the best candidates for the youth program.

7 W HO I S R ESPONSIBLE ? It would be illogical to believe that PSR’s can do all of this alone. Implementing real change involves EVERYONE ! Although PSR’s would be the main “hub” and would coordinate these activities, they will need help from others including: Office Managers Supervisors Employment Counselors Facilitators Staffing Specialists Business Consultants

8 E XAMPLES OF “T ANGIBLE S ERVICES ” Graduation Package – This support service would encourage youth, and their parents to actively participate by offering incentives for meeting important educational goals. Many of the youth families that we work with are economically disadvantaged and won’t have funds to purchase graduation related items such as class ring, graduation invitations, and cap and gown. Work Experience – A service that would teach our youth the importance of having a job and how rewarding a job can be. Work with local employers to develop a program which incorporates various types of work experience for youth customers including paid, volunteer, internships, and subsidized employment opportunities.

9 E STIMATED C OST FOR G RADUATION P ACKAGE Graduation Invitations:  Jostens - $1.00 per card (minimum 10); suggest a maximum of 25 Full color; w/ photo and mascot; envelopes included 4” X 5 5/8” cards Tax/shipping not included in estimates Class Rings:  Guys - $109.99 per ring  Girls - $99.99 per ring Prices obtained from Jostens This price is for a fully customized class ring Tax/shipping not included in estimates Cap & Gown:  Jostens - Cost is $18.95 and up Price includes cap, gown, and tassel

10 …A ND THE B IGGEST B ONUS OF I MPLEMENTING N EW Y OUTH I NCENTIVES … Thank you for allowing the opportunity for staff to share ideas & to help us serve our customers better. G IVING Y OUTH, P ARENTS, AND C AREER O FFICE S TAFF S OMETHING TO D ANCE A BOUT !

11 The cost of implementing this proposed program would depend on the type of “job” the customer was assigned to. Internships, Volunteer, and Employer-Paid positions would be the lowest cost option. The cost would be limited to the amount of time spent on the project by Workforce Solutions staff. Subsidized Employment positions would allow for employers to hire youth customers and have part or all of the customer’s salary paid for. The most desirable option would be for Workforce Solutions to pay a portion of the salary and have the employer match our contribution. E STIMATED C OST FOR W ORK E XPERIENCE P ROGRAM

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