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1 NewSouth HR Inquiries Timesheet by Employee. 2 Select New South HR by a left mouse click once on NewSouth HR icon.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NewSouth HR Inquiries Timesheet by Employee. 2 Select New South HR by a left mouse click once on NewSouth HR icon."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NewSouth HR Inquiries Timesheet by Employee

2 2 Select New South HR by a left mouse click once on NewSouth HR icon

3 3 Select Inquiries and Reporting

4 4 Select Inquiries

5 5 Select Time & Attendance

6 6 Select Timesheet by Employee

7 7 2. Search on the Name field. NewSouth HR requires that names are entered in this format: Surname,Firstname Middle name e.g. James Bloggs would be entered as “Bloggs,James” or “Bloggs,J” click and select the relevant Empl Rcd# from the list. Note: Name field is case sensitive. Search for an Employee’s record: 1. Enter the ID and click and select the relevant Empl Rcd# from the list.

8 8 Click on to populate the inquiry with available data or refine the inquiry by entering Selection Criteria: Pay End Dt: Click on to activate list of pay dates Confirmed Indicator: Click on to activate list Shift Date: Status: Click on to activate list - default is “U” and in most circumstances should be changed. “A” will give both processed and unprocessed claims.

9 9 The inquiry will return details of Shift Date; Start Date; Start Time; End Date; End Time; Gross Hours; Factor: Attendance Type: WRK for work or PHL for public holiday; Status: P for processed claims, U for Unprocessed, D for Deleted Cnfrm?: Confirmed for payment; Del?: marked for deletion Use list keys to select another Employment Record Number for inquiry.

10 10 Adding a Favorite Using Favorites makes accessing regularly used panels quicker. Follow the steps below to add Timesheet by Employee to Favorites list: 1. Access the panel you wish to add to your Favorites list 2. Select the Add to Favorites option from the Favorites drop down menu 3. Leave the label as default or change it to what makes sense to you eg ‘Casual Claims’ 4. Click the OK button. 5. Before disconnecting from the CITRIX application new Favorites must be saved. Go to Start > Favorites > PeopleSoft Favorites Administration 6. Select

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