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Who is hiding behind the box? Can you guess who today’s mystery student is?

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Presentation on theme: "Who is hiding behind the box? Can you guess who today’s mystery student is?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who is hiding behind the box? Can you guess who today’s mystery student is?

2 My birthday I was born on (date) I was born in (place)

3 My family I have a (describe who is in your family)

4 My home I live (write your address or describe your home)

5 My Pets I have a (name pets)

6 What a beautiful baby When I was a baby I would (describe one thing that you could do when you were a baby)

7 Growing up Now that I’m grown up, I can (describe one thing that you can do now that you couldn’t do when you were a baby)

8 My favourites My favourite colour is My favourite food is My favourite person is My favourite activity is

9 Can you guess who I am?

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