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Student Leadership 2013 “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, And shows the way.”

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Presentation on theme: "Student Leadership 2013 “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, And shows the way.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Leadership 2013 “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, And shows the way.”

2 Reflect on the following story... The Rock in Your Path Imagine yourself hiking in the woods. The birds are singing, the air is fresh and feels good to breath.

3 You're walking. You're patting yourself on the back for getting some exercise.

4 You've been hiking along for sometime now and the path is heavily wooded all around you.

5 You see something up ahead. As you get closer you realize that there, in the middle of the path is a boulder. Not just a rock, but a boulder.

6 What is your first thought? What will you do? What is the first thing that comes to mind?

7 Select your closest response A.Looks like a good place to sit down, take a break and think about it. I must have a snack in my backpack here somewhere. B.Without skipping a beat, you begin climbing over it. C.You bounce, walk or run around it. D.You stand there and think? What the heck is this boulder doing here? And why do things like this always happen to me? I should have expected this. Then you climb over or run around it.


9 ALL THE A’s You have a similar outlook to... WINNIE THE POOH You like to sit down and have a snack, drink some water and think about the situation. You like sweets, warm fires and good chatting. You also come up with ideas easily, at odd moments and they are not always all that useful. You stumble into your own brilliance from time to time. You don't care for rushing, schedules and rules.

10 ALL THE B’s If you didn't miss a step and just started climbing straight up over it, you are most like RABBIT. You don't waste time, you have a schedule to keep and things to do. You don't have time for boulders in your path because you have a garden that needs tending to or an important call to make from your cell phone on the other side of the mountain. You are a highly motivated leader and enjoy being in charge and telling everyone around you how to do everything. The world would not exist without you, because you are busy spinning it!

11 ALL THE C’s Did you bounce, run or skip around that boulder? You know who you are! You are fun loving Tigger! An eternal optimist, that boulder didn't bother you at all. You knew you could get around it somehow. A super-social animal, you love to know what everyone is up too and you are always there to cheer up a friend and make people laugh. You are a ray of light where ever you go.

12 ALL THE D’s Woe is me. Did you get mad at that boulder? Did you say oh, man, why does this always happen to me? Now you are really going to be upset. You are most like Eeyore. You can be just a tad pessimistic. You love the rain. You write poetry. You are as deep as your friend Tigger is light. You bring logic and balance to those around you. You don't mind being alone, but a few close friends around you make you feel completely content.

13 THERE IS NO QUICK FORMULA Being a leader stems from your personality There are many different types of leadership Certain situations call for certain types of leadership The best leaders are often not the loudest people or the smartest people, rather the people who bring out the gifts of those around them


15 ‘REAL’ LEADERSHIP OFTEN COMES ABOUT THROUGH CRISIS As with any points of crisis, it is essential that communities have leaders to ‘steer’ people in the right direction Leaders don’t and can’t do everything! Effective leaders get the job done by allocating different jobs to people with the skills to do them!





20 NELSON MANDELA “A good head and a good heart are a formidable combination”

21 An African Blessing

22 Walk tall, walk tall, walk well, walk well walk safe, walk free And may harm never come to thee. Hamba Gahle! Go well, my friend, and walk in the light of faith!

23 Walk tall, walk tall, walk well, walk well walk safe, walk free And may harm never come to thee. Walk wise, walk wise walk good, walk good walk proud, walk true And may the sun smile on you.

24 Hamba Gahle! Go well, my friend, and walk in the light of faith!

25 Walk prayer, walk prayer, walk hope, walk faith, walk light And may peace always guide you right. Walk joy, walk joy, walk brave, walk love, walk strong And may life always give you song.

26 Hamba Gahle! Go well, my friend, and walk in the light of faith!

27 Walk in God, walk in God, walk with God, walk for God And may you dance in the hearts of all you meet.

28 Hamba Gahle! Go well, my friend, and walk in the light of faith!

29 Hamba Gahle! Go well, my friend, and walk in the light of faith! © 2012 Andrew Chinn From People of Peace

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