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This lesson we will be... Task 3 – Data Analysis

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1 This lesson we will be... Task 3 – Data Analysis

2 NO IDEA I NEED HELP NEVER HEARD OF IT OK I CAN DO THIS WITH SUPPORT SOME GUIDANCE NEEDED NEARLY AT MY TARGET GOT IT! VERY CONFIDENT WILL HIT MY TARGET GRADE EXCEED TARGET Success Criteria < C Create Graphs from Data Create Tables Describe what thy mean?> C > Be able to demonstrate Graphically the needs and attitudes of the business and its customers B > Analysis - How this will inform your campaign A >Recommendations + Great Teamwork (STAR STUDENTS) LEARNING OBJECTIVES Analyse data in order to determine attitudes and customer reactions

3 AO1 - Explains the main objectives of the promotion campaign, the range of promotional activities available to the business and the characteristics of the targeted customers.

4 Can you... Create a Tally? Organise Data in Excel? Create Pie & Column Charts? Demo


6 Why is graphical data (graphs and charts) used in business? How can this enhance and inform our decision making in regard to which promotional campaign to use? Based on this data shown which promotional method looks attractive and why? This data can be used successfully in our presentations to Mrs Hunter at the end of the unit.

7 Data Mining

8 Task 3 - Analysis Tally the results as a whole – and record the data (you may do this by hand) Using a data mining technique – lets uncover what females think about promotion. Why should we dis-guard this data? Record these results... Make sure you discuss your process and add this to you final piece. (All data needs to be on a word document, but all questionnaires, hand tally’s and notes need to be submitted too)

9 Data Analysis Create graphs for your findings. Add these to this document. For each graph give a label e.g. figure 1, figure 2 etc For each graph describe what the data is telling you/its meaning. Conclude with interesting points, trends and who you are targeting / not targeting. These graphs should be referred to and used within your report, whenever possible e.g. From Figure 4, you can see that 99% of respondents were female and all of the male members of the public would not be interested because…. DEADLINE:____________________________

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