Governance in changing times A Lancashire perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Governance in changing times A Lancashire perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governance in changing times A Lancashire perspective

2 Governance in changing times Context The importance of teaching Ofsted : A good education for all Curriculum reviews Funding changes The Children and Families Bill Appraisal regulations

3 Governance in changing times Increased autonomy for schools Greater freedoms for academies Less prescription in the primary curriculum Reduced prescription in teaching strategies Fewer government initiatives on raising standards

4 Governance in changing times Reduced bureaucracy Removal of the Self Evaluation Form Lesson planning Assessing Pupils Progress (APP) Financial management Cutting guidance and improving communications to schools.

5 Governance in changing times Changing role of the LA Champion for parents, families and vulnerable children Promotion of educational excellence through  Coordinating admissions  Place provision  Developing school improvement strategies Reduced role in monitoring and supporting schools

6 Governance in changing times Increased school to school support Teaching schools National Leaders in Education Local leaders in education Specialist Leaders in Education Curriculum change Increased focus on core subjects in primary schools English Baccaleaureate Changes to “value” of vocational qualifications

7 Governance in changing times Changes to support for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Greater parental control over services Simplified approach to SEN categories Integrated Education, Health and Care plans Training for SENCOs Increased accountability for schools

8 Governance in changing times Increased accountability Increased Floor Standards Publication of data at local / school level Revised Ofsted inspection framework where  Satisfactory is not good enough?  Teaching is at the heart of inspection  Use of anonymised Appraisal information?  Increased focus on underperforming schools Direct intervention from the DfE

9 Governance in changing times Some challenges A perceived lack of trust in the current school system Maintaining a curriculum to meet pupil needs Changes in LA role Potential impact of funding changes on primary schools Support from school partnerships Headteacher recruitment Developing the monitoring and evaluation role of the Governing Body

10 Governance in changing times 1. Do we have a clear shared vision about what we want our school to achieve?  The needs of all pupils  The needs of the community  Government standards  High place in league tables

11 Governance in changing times 2. How effective are we in monitoring the performance of the school including:  Standards  Progress  Performance of vulnerable groups  Behaviour  Safeguarding  Teaching  Pupil and parental views

12 Governance in changing times 3. What sort of school system do we want to be part of?  Local school improvement partnerships  Local authority partnerships  Academy partnerships  Individual schools

13 Governance in changing times



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