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Raspberry Pi The singing jelly baby.

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Presentation on theme: "Raspberry Pi The singing jelly baby."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raspberry Pi The singing jelly baby

2 Starter task Name each of the components on the Raspberry Pi.
If you can, tell me what each of them is for.

3 Command line coding Type these three commands seperately.
sudo apt-get install mpg321 wget RaspberryPiRecipes/blob/master/la.mp3 nano

4 Python coding Import time Import Rpi.GPIO as GPIO Import os GPIO.cleanup() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(3,GPIO.IN) While True: if GPIO.input(3) == False: os.system(‘mpg321 la.mp3 &’) time.sleep(1) Sudo python

5 Put your headphones on…
…Now push your jelly baby!

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