3 rd Year Clinical Psychology modules Dr Jo Beckett & Dr Phil Simpson 10 th October 2013.

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1 3 rd Year Clinical Psychology modules Dr Jo Beckett & Dr Phil Simpson 10 th October 2013

2 What is Clinical Psychology? Core purpose: “to reduce psychological distress and to enhance and promote psychological wellbeing” (Division of Clinical Psychology, 2001, p2).

3 What is Clinical Psychology? The role of a Clinical Psychologists involves: – working with people with a wide range of difficulties: mental health problems, child and family problems, adjustment to physical disease or disability, work with older adults and people with learning disabilities – working with other professionals in health and social care settings such as hospitals, health centres, social services, community health services – working with individuals, families, groups, organisations: therapy, consultation, supervision, research

4 Why Clinical Psychology? Ever-evolving and diverse profession with opportunities to specialise Clearly defined career structure, employment largely in the National Health Service (NHS) Opportunity to make a difference

5 Why Hull? Only integrated Clinical Psychology training programme in the UK Recognise the importance of starting professional training early Only students from Hull and York, who have completed the undergraduate clinical psychology modules, are eligible to apply for the doctorate course Great and privileged opportunity to enter the profession of clinical psychology

6 3 rd Year Clinical Psychology Modules 3 final year specialist undergraduate clinical psychology modules that prepare potential applicants for the doctorate course 1 module in semester 1: – An Introduction to Assessment in Clinical Psychology 2 modules in semester 2: – Professional, Ethical and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology – Clinical and Therapeutic Issues in Clinical Psychology

7 Undergraduate Clinical Psychology Modules You must be on the Single Honours Psychology BSc course to be eligible to apply for the clinical psychology modules In final year you also required to take Neuropsychology (31410) module in Semester 1

8 Undergraduate Modules: Application and Selection Process Guidance about applying for the modules is made available on the department intranet (within the Student area) The on-line application form will open at the beginning of June and close at the end of June Applications are welcome from people with disabilities and minority groups Selection will be made on the basis of the application forms at the end of the academic year Applications will be rated independently by at least 3 assessors from within the Psychology and Clinical Psychology departments 30 places are available on the modules Successful applicants will be notified via email in August

9 Applying for the Undergraduate Clinical Psychology Modules What do I need? – An average grade of at least 2:1 – Relevant work experience – Interest and commitment to working with vulnerable or distressed individuals, their families and carers – Knowledge of the profession of Clinical Psychology and the National Health Service (NHS) – Two references (preferably one academic and one relevant to work experience)

10 Clinical Psychology Doctorate Programme Full-time, 3 year training programme: – Academic study – Supervised clinical practice – Research (including doctoral thesis) NHS employment and salary Leads to the award of Doctor of Clinical Psychology and eligibility to practice

11 Doctorate Programme – Application and Selection Process Applications for the doctorate programme in Clinical Psychology are made at the end of the 3 rd undergraduate year, with interviews in July Candidates will not be shortlisted unless they are averaging a grade of 2:1 Candidates will only be shortlisted if they have relevant work experiences Candidates will need an academic and a work reference

12 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) Answers to a range of FAQ’s – see website. What counts as relevant experience? – Helping people in health or social care settings (e.g. shadowing psychologists or other health professionals, work in day centres residential homes, work in schools, work in University support services) – Paid or voluntary experiences – Acquiring a range of experiences can be important – Important to show you have been able to learn from your experiences and explain how this has helped you develop knowledge and skills relevant to Clinical Psychology

13 Interested? Where to go for further information Profession of Clinical Psychology: – British Psychological Society website www.bps.org.ukwww.bps.org.uk – Division of Clinical Psychology website – Clinical Psychology website www.hull.ac.uk/clinicalpsychology – Books What is Clinical Psychology (Hall & Llewelyn, 2006) Clinical Psychology in Practice (Beinart, Kennedy, and Llewelyn, 2009)

14 Any Questions?

15 Dr Jo Beckett, Lecturer in Clinical Psychology J.Beckett@hull.ac.uk Dr Phil Simpson, Lecturer in Clinical Psychology P.Simpson2@hull.ac.uk

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