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Is the journey the destination? RDM at St Andrews Birgit Plietzsch Research Computing Team Leader 01334 462315

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Presentation on theme: "Is the journey the destination? RDM at St Andrews Birgit Plietzsch Research Computing Team Leader 01334 462315"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is the journey the destination? RDM at St Andrews Birgit Plietzsch Research Computing Team Leader 01334 462315

2 Environment Organisational: – IT Services Reorganisation of IT Services New management team – Institutional level Autonomy of Science Schools Procedural – No University RDM strategy, BUT: University of St Andrews Strategy ICT Strategy

3 Challenges ITS trying to find our feet Institutional culture RDM skills gaps throughout the organisation Requirement for input from otherwise busy academics

4 Project Goals 1.To gain a picture of St Andrews’ research grants portfolio and inform the development of an institutional policy 2.To obtain an initial overview of where we are at in terms of research data management and what the support needs are from researchers (initially those who seek EPSRC funding). – DAF – CARDIO 3.To develop an institutional research data management policy 4.To enhance internal staff skills in order to adhere to the new policy – Provide training to staff to enable future DAF & CARDIO implementations 5.Local dissemination event for the EPSRC-funded community

5 Research Grants Portfolio Research Funding Office QlikView database: c400 research funders since 2008 limit to funding research in 4 Schools or more – 20 funders (other than research councils) – no additional funder requirements established – European Commission remained vague

6 DAF Action Points (Science Schools) Ensure that RDM policies and procedures are created in consultation with the schools Provide training in RDM Produce a comprehensive list of services offered centrally Improve the responsiveness and flexibility of central services Undertake extensive outreach and advocacy work to build awareness of and trust in central services

7 RDM Policy Initial plan to base policy on ERIS framework Stakeholder conflict: – ITS management change: Records Management expertise but no experience with RDM – Support from Research Policy Office and researchers Edinburgh-style high-level institutional policy & School-level policies

8 CARDIO RDM steering group: – concern over another consultation process with researchers – inability to see institutional benefits in the process – process was put on hold Customisation of CARDIO process: – use of DAF audits to eliminate the need for further input from researches – map CARDIO questions to items in the RDM Roadmap to link in with strategic and operational planning

9 RDM Roadmap Based on Monash University Research Data Management Strategy and Strategic Plan 2012 - 2015 Adoption of University aims around: – Excellence and impact – World class infrastructure – Skills and knowledge – Integrity and professionalism – Leadership and collaboration List of action points for each EPSRC requirement

10 The Realisation RDM Roadmap revealed impact of RDM on the University – need time for consideration – unable to meet DCC’s timeframes for project – cessation of engagement

11 Activities outside IE Faculty of Arts DAF (10 interviews): – Confirmation of want for high-level RDM policy – Confirmation of existing central research support service provision: Applications for funding / RDM planning Technical development work Training Long-term storage / digital preservation – Requests for support of unfunded research

12 ICT Strategy 2012-15 “… We aim to deliver an environment which will support students, researchers and academics by providing an empowering platform … for knowledge creation and exchange.”

13 Research Computing: Operational Plan RDM Service expansion Service review Skills and knowledge

14 Lessons Not all support can be developed from an existing strategy or policy. Institutional culture heavily influences RDM implementation. RDM implementation requires robust support structures within the institution. Merge DAF and CARDIO audits as far as academic input is concerned and align processes with institutional strategic and operational planning.

15 Any questions

16 Thank you! Birgit Plietzsch Research Computing Team Leader 01334 462315

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