Location: Normandy (N. France) Plans Invade northern France, begin push toward Berlin “Operation Overlord” planned by Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower Soldiers.

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2 Location: Normandy (N. France)

3 Plans Invade northern France, begin push toward Berlin “Operation Overlord” planned by Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower Soldiers trained in England Plans involved soldiers from the US, Great Britain, France, & Canada

4 Getting the troops “ready to go.” Ike talking to members of the 101 st Airborne

5 Trivia What does the “D” in D-Day stand for? Day (D+1, D+2, D+3, etc) What does the “H” in H-Hour stand for? Hour (H+:30, H+:60, H+2:00, etc)


7 F.U.S.A.G.– Operation Quicksilver First United States Army Group Run by Gen. George Patton (US) Fake army  inflatable tanks, fake buildings, false communications This was done to distract & confuse Nazi intelligence


9 The Atlantic Wall Rommel built the Atlantic Wall to stop any invasion Mines Forts Machine gun nests, etc.


11 June 6, 1944 1:30 am– 13,000 paratroopers land, some by glider (heavy casualties) 3:00 am– Germans pick up Allied ships on radar (2,727 ships; 6,939 men) 5:00 am– German batteries (big guns) open fire



14 Canadian troops landing on D-Day

15 June 6, 1944 5:36 am– Allied naval bombardment begins Atlantic Wall defenses had been bombed that night by air  unsuccessful 6:30 am– US soldiers land on the beaches 7:30 am– British soldiers arrive


17 End of the Day 156,000 troops landed 73,000 US; 83,000 British 2,000 US casualties at Omaha beach alone






23 Battle of the Bulge Germany’s last attempt to stop advance of Allies US forces surrounded Extreme cold, lack of food, ammunition, and medical supplies made conditions very difficult Eventually weather improved so supplies could be airlifted in Patton’s tank units eventually broke through

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