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O Situational Analysis and Identifying TA Needs Skills o Facilitation Skills o Coaching Skills o Giving and Receiving Feedback Skills o Monitoring and.

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Presentation on theme: "O Situational Analysis and Identifying TA Needs Skills o Facilitation Skills o Coaching Skills o Giving and Receiving Feedback Skills o Monitoring and."— Presentation transcript:

1 o Situational Analysis and Identifying TA Needs Skills o Facilitation Skills o Coaching Skills o Giving and Receiving Feedback Skills o Monitoring and Analyzing the Progress of TA Provided o Evaluating TA Results Skills in Providing TA

2 1. Skills on Identifying and Prioritizing TA Needs  Require analytical expertise in probing & interpreting data so that TA provider can identify and prioritize improvement areas that need technical assistance.

3 2. Facilitation Skills  Include: listening skills, observing skills, questioning skills, attending skills and integrating skills (LOQAI)

4 Listening Skills Put oneself in the shoes of the learner or client to be able to understand the situation confronting him/her. Refrain from listening “autobiographically”, that is, listening from one’s own perspective and immediately making judgments.

5 Observing Skills Keep an open mind; and to record behavioral observations – that can be seen, heard of touched. The use of the “STAR” technique or approach is highly recommended. This refers to: S/T=Situation or Task at hand A=Action Taken (or Inaction) R=Result

6 Questioning Skills  Asks open-ended questions and refrain from posing leading questions or questions that would require one- word answers. It is advisable that questions be layered, which means, listening to the response to one question before asking another question.

7 Attending Skills  Establish and maintain good rapport with the client or learner will enable TA to closely attend to clients’ needs.  Be continuously on the watch to be able to catch any expressed or implied need by the client or learner.

8 Integrating Skills  Synthesize or summarize points or ideas  Help the learner identify what have been learned and prepare and execute a plan to accomplish goals and objectives

9 3. Coaching Skills  Coaching is a series of one-on-one exchanges between the provider and the client or learner focused on performance or performance-related topics. It is a process that enables learning and development to occur and improve performance.

10 4. Feedback Giving Stage Criteria in Giving Feedback  Intended to help the recipient  Given directly and with feeling, based on a foundation built on trust.  Descriptive rather than evaluative  Specific rather than general with good, clear and preferably recent examples  Given at a time when the receiver appears ready to accept it  Inclusive only of those things that the receiver can do something about  Not give more than the recipient can handle at one time

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