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copyright cmassengale

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1 copyright cmassengale
Bellwork Open your notebook to the bellwork section, What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the following terms: Astronomy Chemistry Physics Biology copyright cmassengale

2 copyright cmassengale
CHAMPS C-Conversation- NO H-Help- Raise your hand A- Activity- We are taking notes M- No movement P- sit quietly, eyes on paper, teacher or board. Writing S- signal copyright cmassengale

3 copyright cmassengale
Study of Biology copyright cmassengale

4 copyright cmassengale
What is Biology? Biology is the study of all living things. Bio-life Logy-study of Living things are called organisms Organisms include bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, & animals copyright cmassengale

5 All Organisms are made of Cells
copyright cmassengale

6 Basic Structure of a Cell
copyright cmassengale

7 copyright cmassengale
Cell Size and Types Cells, the basic units of organisms, can only be observed under microscope Three Basic types of cells include: Bacterial Cell Animal Cell Plant Cell copyright cmassengale

8 Prokaryote Vs. Eukaryote
Prokaryote (Unicellular) – composed of one cell ex. bacteria Eukaryote (Multi cellular)- composed of many cells ex. Animal cell and plant cell copyright cmassengale

9 Two Main Types of Eukaryotic Cells
Animal Cell Plant Cell copyright cmassengale

10 copyright cmassengale
Organelles Very small (Microscopic) Perform various functions for a cell Found in the cytoplasm May or may not be membrane-bound copyright cmassengale

11 Animal Cell Organelles
Ribosome (attached) Nucleolus Ribosome (free) Nucleus Cell Membrane Nuclear envelope Mitochondrion Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Rough endoplasmic reticulum Centrioles Golgi apparatus copyright cmassengale

12 Cell or Plasma Membrane (Honors)
Surrounds outside of ALL cells Controls what enters or leaves the cell Outside of cell Inside (cytoplasm) Cell membrane Proteins Protein channel Lipid bilayer Carbohydrate chains copyright cmassengale

13 copyright cmassengale
Cytoplasm of a Cell cytoplasm Jelly-like substance enclosed by cell membrane copyright cmassengale

14 The Control Organelle - Nucleus
Controls the normal activities of the cell Contains the DNA in chromosomes Bounded by a nuclear envelope (membrane) with pores Usually the largest organelle copyright cmassengale

15 copyright cmassengale
Nuclear Envelope Double membrane surrounding nucleus Also called nuclear membrane Nuclear pores copyright cmassengale

16 The genetic material (DNA) is found
Inside the Nucleus - The genetic material (DNA) is found copyright cmassengale

17 copyright cmassengale
What Does DNA do? DNA is the hereditary material of the cell copyright cmassengale

18 copyright cmassengale
Nucleolus Inside nucleus Directs the nucleus. copyright cmassengale

19 Mitochondrion (plural = mitochondria)
“Powerhouse” of the cell Generate cellular energy (ATP) More active cells like muscle cells have MORE mitochondria copyright cmassengale

20 copyright cmassengale
Interesting Fact --- Mitochondria Come from cytoplasm in the EGG cell during fertilization Therefore … You inherit your mitochondria from your mother! copyright cmassengale

21 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough ER)
Has ribosomes on its surface Makes membrane proteins and proteins for EXPORT out of cell copyright cmassengale

22 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Smooth ER lacks ribosomes on its surface Is attached to the ends of rough ER Makes cell products that are USED INSIDE the cell copyright cmassengale

23 Ribosomes are made of proteins
Can be attached to Rough ER OR Be free (unattached) in the cytoplasm copyright cmassengale

24 copyright cmassengale
Golgi Bodies Look like a stack of pancakes Modify, sort, & package molecules from ER for storage OR transport out of cell copyright cmassengale

25 copyright cmassengale
Golgi Animation Materials are transported from Rough ER to Golgi to the cell membrane by VESICLES copyright cmassengale

26 copyright cmassengale
Lysosomes Contain digestive enzymes digest the food & get rid of wastes copyright cmassengale

27 copyright cmassengale
Lysosome Digestion Cells take in food by phagocytosis copyright cmassengale

28 Cilia & Flagella- Locomotion (movement)
Cilia are shorter and more numerous on cells Flagella are longer and fewer copyright cmassengale

29 copyright cmassengale
Vacuoles Fluid filled sacks for storage copyright cmassengale

30 copyright cmassengale
Cell Size Question: Are the cells in an elephant bigger, smaller, or about the same size as those in a mouse? copyright cmassengale

31 copyright cmassengale
Cell Size Question: Are the cells in an elephant bigger, smaller, or about the same size as those in a mouse? About the same size, but … The elephant has MANY MORE cells than a mouse! copyright cmassengale

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