Review of Criteria for the EAP Disability Category of Intellectual Impairment (II) 2009 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Criteria for the EAP Disability Category of Intellectual Impairment (II) 2009 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Criteria for the EAP Disability Category of Intellectual Impairment (II) 2009 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING

2 Education Adjustment Program Key Issues Terminology Definition Criteria Form Professional practices

3 Education Adjustment Program Terminology and Definition The terminology and definition of II were considered together to ensure they are clear, current, in line with other educational jurisdictions and fit within the ICF framework for disability adopted by the department for the EAP.

4 Education Adjustment Program Existing Definition (until 26 June 2009) The department currently uses the DSM- IV-TR (2000) definition of Intellectual Impairment (Mental Retardation) for entry to the category of Intellectual Impairment.

5 Education Adjustment Program Revised Definition (from 29 June 2009) Intellectual impairment is characterised by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behaviour as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills. This impairment originates before age 18. (Adapted from AAIDD, 2002) The student’s identified level of functioning results in activity limitations and participation restrictions at school requiring significant education adjustments

6 Education Adjustment Program Definition – 5 Assumptions 1.Limitations in present functioning must be considered within the context of community environments typical of the individual’s age peers 2.Valid assessment considers cultural and linguistic diversity as well as differences in communication, sensory, motor, and behavioural factors 3.Within an individual, limitations often coexist with strengths

7 Education Adjustment Program Definition – 5 Assumptions 4.An important purpose of describing limitations is to develop a profile of needed supports 5.With appropriate personalised supports over a sustained period, the life functioning of the person with intellectual impairment generally will improve

8 Education Adjustment Program Terminology and Definition Outcome: Change from DSM IV TR to AAIDD No change to the title of the category No change to the intent

9 Education Adjustment Program Revised Criteria (from 29 June 2009) There will now be two criteria for identifying students in the disability category of II These relate to the identified impairment (criterion 1) and the associated activity limitations and participation restrictions (criterion 2)

10 Education Adjustment Program Revised Criteria (from 29 June 2009) Criterion 1 Impairment + Criterion 2 Activity limitations/ participation restrictions = Disability

11 Education Adjustment Program Criterion 1 1a. Significant limitations in intellectual functioning 1b. Significant limitations in adaptive behaviour 1c. The impairment originates before 18 years of age

12 Education Adjustment Program Criterion 1a Evidence: Significant limitations in intellectual functioning Scores obtained from current individually administered psychoeducational assessments are at least two standard deviations below the mean, considering the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) for the specific assessment instruments used and the instruments’ strengths and limitations

13 Education Adjustment Program Criterion 1a Where formal psychoeducational assessment is not possible or not appropriate, then relevant information needs to be provided from a range of contexts, to support the presence of significant limitations in intellectual functioning

14 Education Adjustment Program Criterion 1b Evidence: Significant limitations in adaptive behaviour Significant limitations in adaptive behaviour are operationally defined as performance that is at least 2 standard deviations below the mean of either:

15 Education Adjustment Program Criterion 1b one of the following three types of adaptive behaviour: conceptual, social, or practical, or an overall score on a standardised measure of conceptual, social, and practical skills

16 Education Adjustment Program Criterion 1b Limitations in adaptive behaviour are determined by using a broad range of assessment methods across a range of sources and settings

17 Education Adjustment Program Criterion 1c Evidence: The impairment originates before 18 years of age

18 Education Adjustment Program Criterion 2 The student’s identified level of functioning results in activity limitations and participation restrictions at school requiring significant education adjustments

19 Education Adjustment Program Criterion 2 Evidence: The student’s level of functioning is significantly below peers Programs and adjustments in areas of need that have been implemented and the achieved outcomes Programs and adjustments that need to be maintained (wholly or partially) to address the educational needs

20 Education Adjustment Program Criteria Outcome: Change to the criteria There will now be two criteria Criterion 1 – the impairment Criterion 2 - the activity limitations and participation restrictions

21 Education Adjustment Program Verification Form (EAP VER 5) The II verification form was revised to ensure it serves as an effective tool for: –incorporating changes to the criteria and collating the required verification information –facilitating consistency in decision making at all levels regarding the criteria

22 Education Adjustment Program Verification Form (EAP VER 5) PART A: Student details PART B: Evidence Supporting Verification –Evidence for criterion 1(impairment) similar to previous form –Evidence for criterion 2 (activity limitations and participation restrictions ) common form –Profession specific quality assurance and decision making PART C: Principal request

23 Education Adjustment Program Outcome: No change to the intent Change to the format for reporting Section 2: Medical Diagnosis - has been removed Verification Form (EAP VER 5)

24 Education Adjustment Program Professional Practice The revised criteria and forms are designed to promote best practice in assessment, interpretation and reporting with educational programming in mind.

25 Education Adjustment Program Professional Practice Developmental/medical/social/emotional/ behavioural/language/cultural and environmental factors Assessment history Educational history/interventions Educational implications/adjustments required Where appropriate, exclude other possible diagnoses (Adapted from Mental Retardation - Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports AAMR 10th Edition, Chapter 6)

26 Education Adjustment Program Key Issues NOTE: The outlined changes are not anticipated to impact on the cohort of students identified in the disability category of II.

27 Education Adjustment Program Further Information EAP Website Gateway to Educational Adjustments and Programming Gateway Registration Information

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