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1 Effective Procurement Strategies in Reducing the Total Cost of Commercial Contracts.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Effective Procurement Strategies in Reducing the Total Cost of Commercial Contracts."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Effective Procurement Strategies in Reducing the Total Cost of Commercial Contracts

2 2 A key take-away “The basis of a good relationship is forged by having a good contract in place”

3 3 Procurement Considerations Cost should not be the single deciding factor when selecting a supplier? Should Consider: Business and Contract Risks Product/Services Deliverables Measures and Controls (KPI’s) Service Breach Rewards Performance

4 4 Each Department is responsible to follow the Business Procurement Policy process. Departments deal with approved vendors direct and procure goods and services required upon approval VGPB Finance Dept responsible; to pay a/c upon approval and P/O raised, business financial management/reporting. Procurement Approach Contract Management Procurement Approval Sample Organisational Procurement Process All procurements that involve a formal Contract need to follow Contract Requirements: Legal Templates to be used Specification development Commercial Requirements and Performance Measures Public Tender if spend >$200k Delegation of Authority Policy Hierarchy Based GM-$50K, EGM-$250K, MD upto $2.5M, Board >$2.5M Business Case or quote (s) to be presented to generate approval Approval Requirements incl. -upto $25k 1 written quote -$25,001-$200k 3 written quotes or Tender ->$200k Tender - Contract management plans if > $100K and high risk

5 5 Managing Supplier Performance Managing Supplier Performance Approach KPI Core MeasuresMinimum Standard to be met Month 1Met Monthly Target Core Measure 1 On call support services 100% within specified timelines for response and resolution times All incidents met within specified timelines Core Measure 2 Housekeeping and system maintenance >=80% within 10 business days <=20% residual must be completed within 2 business days from due date (after 10 business days has lapsed) Completed all agreed tasks within 10 business days Core Measure 3 Scheduled tasks >=85% within 10 business days <=15% residual must be completed within 2 business days from due date (after 10 business days has lapsed) Completed 90% of agreed tasks within 10 business days 10% of residual not completed within 2 business days from original due date  Does not comply as the residual uncompleted tasks were not completed within the required time.

6 6 Managing Supplier Performance Managing Supplier Performance - Rebates Category of Services (see Table in Section 5.0) Minimum StandardRebate for failing to meet the KPI in the Section 5.0 Table Category of Services Rebate Percentage (based on monthly baseline cost) Rebate amount Calculation (excluding GST) Core Measure 1 On call support services 100% within specified timeframe 80% 80% x $9,860 = $7,890 Core Measure 2 Housekeeping and system maintenance Update of tasks within 10 business days of a change occurring 10% 80% x $9,860 = $986 Core Measure 3 Scheduled tasks Update of tasks within 10 business days of a change occurring 10% 80% x $9,860 = $986 Total monthly fee payable100% 100% x $9,860 = $9,860

7 7 Managing Supplier Relationships Definition Supplier relationship management is a discipline of working collaboratively with those suppliers that are vital to the success of your organisation, to maximise the potential value of those relationships. Focus on continuous improvement to service levels/performance and cost to provide value add to both organisations Consider business risks and critical factors are addressed –Set KPI’s Performance Metrics in place to ensure Vendors takes contract seriously. Aim for an collaborative partnering engagement with shared benefits “win-win” for both parties to strengthen the relationship Tips

8 8 Performance Management Potential Performance Variations To minimise suppliers performance variation it is important to: Have clear deliverables documented in a Contract KPI and Core measures Rebates and Incentives Variations process in place Performance Management Reporting & Monitoring

9 9 Effective Contract Management TIME Contract Start Contract End High Effort Low Effort High Effort Effective Contract Less Effective Contract EFFORT Effective Contract Graph [Source: Sara Cullen]

10 10 Tricky Supplier Situations Invoicing Duplication Issue One supplier was incorporating a service cost into a monthly support fee as well as sending an individual cost for the service. Through contract review and auditing l was able to detect this duplication. Supplier was approached in good faith and a payment plan was established to return monies owed. Stresses the importance of having effective Contract Management processes in place. Clearly itemise all cost components in Contract – easier to manage and identify exactly what individual components are cost. Lessons Learned

11 11 Managing Contract and Supplier Relations Signs of Contract Management Risks Contract deliverables not aligned with business Business Requirements/KPI’S Cost of delivering services goes up in cost everytime you renew contract Poor Service delivery Business and Contract Risks not addressed or managed – no controls in place Contracts sit in the bottom of Filing cabinet once signed- not a living document No contract management controls in place If no contract in place – not legally binding – Suppliers do not take deliverables seriously and become complacent Managing Supplier Relations Contract terms and deliverables need to be realistic- a win-win approach works best Open and Honest relationship Be flexible when possible don’t set deliverables in stone Ensure you have clear deliverables in place

12 12 Gotcha’s How vendors can get an advantage over purchasers Best Endeavours no Performance Metrics KPI’s in place Charging for giving quotations Automatic contract renewals Exit fee if purchaser wants to exit contract Charging for rework when the rework was due to poor vendor performance Don’t just accept when the vendor says they can do the work – get evidence before engaging Use suppliers contracts rather than your own- reduces their risk not yours

13 13 Gotcha’s How vendors can get an advantage over purchasers Response and Resolution times: –Resolution often forgotten –No periodic resolution updates Residual 95% of work to be completed in say 10 days, but what about the other 5% ? Probity always needs to be considered - Cannot accept go to the footy for a boozy afternoon with a Vendor? -Need a probity plan – to ensure fair, open and transparent process

14 14 Gotcha’s How vendors can get an advantage over purchasers Vendor services and costs not itemised so if there is a change/variation the Vendor can: do alot less; with a small or no drop in their fees Never let the client only do their own performance reporting – important to have your own QA processes in place Do not automatically renew agreements without checking out the pricing and implications – don’t assume everything is the same as the previous term

15 15 Questions?

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