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Re-Inventing the Family Series Wife, Submit To Your Husband

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1 Re-Inventing the Family Series Wife, Submit To Your Husband
Ephesians 5:22-24; 1Peter 3:1-6

2 Wife Submit To Your Husband

3 Wife Submit To Your Husband
Define Submission: Microsoft Dictionary - The act of submitting to the power of another or the state of being submissive, compliant, Meekness. Greek Dictionary - The word submission is an “present imperative” which is a command to do something and involves continuous or repeated action. Submission to conform to some standard as a means of demonstrating its purpose-to obey. Heb. 13:17; 2 Cor.9:13 ref. Note: Remember Restoration is taking something damaged and restoring it to a better condition Reinventing is to recast something familiar or old into a different form.

4 Wife Submit To Your Husband
Look at your husband the way that God does We are to reverence our husband which is to *respect him *defer *revere him *honor *esteem *appreciate *prize *to adore him (in a human sense) *admire him *praise *be devoted to *deeply love *enjoy him Submission is effective according to God’s Word and it works.

5 Wife Submit To Your Husband
The Amplified Bible starts off saying… However, let each man of you without exception love his wife as being in a sense his very own self ( Eph. 5:33; 1 Peter 3:2) He who loves his wife loves himself (Eph 5:28)

6 Wife Submit To Your Husband
Husband & Wife (both) can lead But God tells the wife to give up her “option to lead” and become a “follower”. Two heads create a disaster and confusion Does this mean the husband can do anything he wants… NO.

7 Wife Submit To Your Husband
Why is submission important to a family? It allows God to bring out the best in both the husband and the wife. The purpose of submission is to bring order in the family. As each person takes their divine appointed position, then the home will come to a rest.

8 Wife Submit To Your Husband
God in his wisdom designed the nature of the man and the woman in accordance with his order. God make man- Gen 1:26 God make him a help Mate - Gen 2:18, 21-24 Adam formed first- 1 Tim 2:13 The woman came from the man God ordered- 1Cor 11:8-9


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