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My Writing Territories. I like to write, in fact I keep a diary and may start a blog I call the range of writing I do, ‘My Writing Territories’ I have.

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Presentation on theme: "My Writing Territories. I like to write, in fact I keep a diary and may start a blog I call the range of writing I do, ‘My Writing Territories’ I have."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Writing Territories

2 I like to write, in fact I keep a diary and may start a blog I call the range of writing I do, ‘My Writing Territories’ I have revised my list for this year and I ask you to create your own

3 My territories list gives me a window on who I am as a writer, a teacher, a mother,a wife, a daughter, a learner and a friend Keeping this list helps me be more productive and focused as a writer I always have a list to use when I have something to write about

4 My 2006 Writing Territories My students – how they learn to be great readers and writers Curriculum – lessons I create that I share with other teachers My daughter, Rachel – all the memories I have and what happens daily as she grows and matures into a lovely little girl

5 Lifelong Learning – should I remain in the classroom or pursue my role as literacy coordinator/Reading Recovery teacher My family – could I be a stay at home Mom and pursue my own business or continue to teach My passions – reading, hiking, photography, scrapbooking, running, the computer (educational contexts) and email

6 Winters sledding on a wooden toboggan, fishing on dad’s boat, my summers at Aunt Laurel’s Bare feet in the sand At the beach-a comforting noise of waves crashing heart favourite show Things that upset me – poverty, children not supervised, rudeness, girl's and women’s health and body images, violence, war in the world

7 Do you get my drift? My writing territories are jammed packed full of MY ideas, passions, experiences, itches, aversions and feelings Writing can take many forms – poems, memoirs, book reviews and criticisms, essays, articles, letters, notes, speeches, guidelines, lists, proposals and plans

8 I’ll also write for many different kinds of readers – family, friends, students, colleagues, parents We write to be read!

9 My Writing Territories Take 10 minutes to begin a list of your territories. Use looseleaf with your name and heading Concentrate on ideas for topics and see how many ideas you can capture When you get stuck consider the list I have given you and check out the ones I have as examples…they may inspire you

10 After 10 minutes read your list to a partner or friend Can they help you add to your list? Put your list at the beginning of the writing section of your binder Add to your list during the year These are your inspirations for writing

11 Homework Choose one topic and write a draft of a paragraph that we will work on in our next writing workshop day…whatever length you choose If time you may begin now!

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