BC ILN 1 Analyzing Your Samples using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) Thompson Rivers University.

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2 BC ILN 1 Analyzing Your Samples using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) Thompson Rivers University

3 BC ILN Analyzing Your Samples using AAS Preparing your samples Submitting your samples Running your samples Recording your values 2

4 BC ILN In your Data Book Record neatly  Any observations  The concentration of stock solution used  The labeled tube numbers 3

5 BC ILN Prepare your labeled auto-sampler tubes for submission to the BC-ILN Your instructor will supply you with auto-sampler tubes with caps and a rack to put them in for submission Label the tubes and organized them in the rack provided 4 3 cm

6 BC ILN During your scheduled instrument time… Go to your computer station get connected to the BC-ILN Ask your instructor to show you how to operate the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 5

7 BC ILN 6

8 In Your Data Book Use neatly organized tables Record the absorbance values when the reading is complete * REPEAT the process 7 Once you have obtained at least TWO readings for each tube, you are finished and can inform your instructor

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