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TA: Shreya Rawal  A custom calculation use the data associated with cells in a single worksheet, or across multiple worksheets.

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Presentation on theme: "TA: Shreya Rawal  A custom calculation use the data associated with cells in a single worksheet, or across multiple worksheets."— Presentation transcript:

1 TA: Shreya Rawal Email:

2  A custom calculation use the data associated with cells in a single worksheet, or across multiple worksheets.  A custom calculation is specified in the function toolbar.  Example:  = (A1 + A2 – E3 * B12)  = (P * N * R)/100  Where P, N, R can be cell values representing Principal Amount, Number of Years and Rate of Interest.

3  To refer cell or data in same worksheet.  It is referred as column and row  Eg: A12, E5  To refer cell data from different worksheet.  It is referred as sheet name, exclamation point (‘!’), and cell reference (F12).  Eg: Sheet2!F5

4  Step 1  Select the cell in which you would like the evaluation of the custom calculation to be displayed  Step 2  In the Function toolbar, enter the custom calculation by starting with the equals symbol '='.  Step 3  After entering the custom calculation, press the 'enter' key to evaluate the function. The result will appear in the cell that was originally selected.

5  A custom calculation can also include functions which are bundled with Excel.  Example: = (SUM(A5:A10) * 50) = (AVERAGE(A22:A56) / COUNT(A22:A56))

6  An If-Then statement answers the question "is this true or false?" and then performs a corresponding action.

7  If it snows I will not go to school Else I will go to school

8  If it snows I will go to gym Else If temperature < -25 I will stay at home Else I will go to school

9  In nested If-Then statements, evaluations of inner-most statements occur first, and their evaluations are propagated to the outer-most statements.

10  Logic Condition  True Statement  False Statement

11  = IF(,, )

12  = IF(A2<50, “Fail”, “Pass”)  = IF(A1 80, “A”, “B”))

13  A statement can correspond to a number, or a string of characters by using double quotation marks (e.g. "yes", "true", "evaluation if false", etc.)

14  = IF(A1<50, “Fail”, “Pass”)  A1 = 88Pass  A1 = 43Fail  A1 = 50Pass  IF (A1 80, “A Grade”, B Grade”)  A1 = 88A Grade  A1 = 43Fail  A1 = 50B Grade

15  IF (G2 = “Cat”, “Kitten”, (IF G2 = “Dog”, “Puppy”, “Small Mammal”))  G2 = CatKitten  G2 = DogPuppy  G2 = BatSmall Mammal  G2 = MouseSmall Mammal

16  Pivot tables provide a mechanism to:  summarize data  makes it easier to analyze  makes it easier to present data



19  IF (A1 = “Bed”, IF (A2 = “Sofa”, “You have sofa and bed”, IF (A3 = “Chair”, “You chair and bed”, “You have bed but not chair or sofa”)), “you do not have anything”)  A1 = Bed, A2 = Sofa, A3 = Table  You have sofa and bed  A1 = Bed, A2 = Table, A3 = Chair  You have chair and bed

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