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Bylaws and Resolutions How to use them How not to be abused by them.

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Presentation on theme: "Bylaws and Resolutions How to use them How not to be abused by them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bylaws and Resolutions How to use them How not to be abused by them

2 Resolutions To address Problems (WHEREAS…) – Policy or Goal Deal with direction of organization or relationship with other organizations May not directly relate to the organization – Finance Deal with the use of money or investment to solve a specific issue – Bylaw Triggers an amendment process By Proposing a Solution (BE IT RESOLVED…)

3 Bylaws Ontario Reg 612 15(2) 1..3 A by-law that governs election procedures and the filling of vacancies in the membership of the school council. Every school council shall make a By-Law providing rules respecting participation in school council proceedings in cases of Conflict of Interest. Every school council shall make a By-Law providing a Conflict Resolution Process for Internal Council Disputes MoEd 2001 School Councils A Guide for members Pg 3.1 School councils may want to develop some strategies that address the need for continuity and that ensure that the history, experience, and expertise of previous councils remain with the council. These strategies may include developing a good orientation package for distribution to new members and keeping quality records that include meeting minutes, policies, bylaws, and annual reports. Charitable Status of the School Board Feduciary responsibilities Audit

4 3 Level Bylaw Approach Structural (Bylaws) – (Not Suspendable Change Notice required) – Reg612 requirements 1. Election, 2Vacancies 3 Conflict of Interest, 4 Conflict resolution – Rules of Order or Rule of Chair – Changed with Amendment formula or Rescinded Policy ( Special Rules) – Suspendable. – Change Notice required Process (Standing Rule) – Suspend able – No Change notice required

5 Amendment process Develop Terms of reference Review Minutes Review Bylaws for adherence to Past Practice Reconcile Practice/Bylaw with Mission Call for Amendments Develop Rational Provide Notice Provide Report Vote on Recommendation – Concurrence, Non Concurrence

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