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North Delta Secondary 2012-2013. Ms. Emanuele Mrs. Mang Ms. Niemar Mr. Parhar Mr. Odin Mr. Rosencrans Ms. Sayers-Smart.

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Presentation on theme: "North Delta Secondary 2012-2013. Ms. Emanuele Mrs. Mang Ms. Niemar Mr. Parhar Mr. Odin Mr. Rosencrans Ms. Sayers-Smart."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Delta Secondary 2012-2013

2 Ms. Emanuele Mrs. Mang Ms. Niemar Mr. Parhar Mr. Odin Mr. Rosencrans Ms. Sayers-Smart


4 As your PE teachers, -we strive to develop an educational program that will encourage you to improve your personal level of fitness -we want you to gain an appreciation for teamwork, leadership, and the lifelong benefit of activity -we expect you to demonstrate personal and social responsibility with respect for self and others.

5 The goals of the Physical Education department: -Have students demonstrate active living through their knowledge and participation -Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of safety, fair play, and leadership -Apply a variety of movement skills.

6 Students are expected to: attend class regularly and on time. participate in every class to the best of their ability. enter the gym through the back change room doors. bring a lock and use changing room lockers during class. All locks and contents are to be removed at the end of each class. Locks left on lockers may be removed without warning.

7 bring appropriate athletic clothing to every class. This includes: non- marking, well-fitting running shoes, loose fitting sleeved t-shirt, shorts (not denim). a hoodie, jacket, or long pants may be needed for outdoors. tie back hair to ensure it will not impede participation or compromise safety. remove all jewelry during PE classes. The PE staff will not take care of jewelry. Leave it at home or in a locker. leave all valuables (such as electronic devices) in school lockers or at home. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. LOCK IT or LOSE IT. be changed and sitting at the meeting area by the second bell; ready to participate.

8 - demonstrate self-respect as well as respect for peers, guests, TOCs and all staff at all times. - respect and treat the facility and equipment with care at all times. - No food or drink in the gym. - No gum in the gym. - No using of school and/or personal equipment unless supervised. -No hanging from basketball nets and/or rims.

9 Entering the gym: -At the beginning of class enter the changing rooms through the BACK DOORS at the cafeteria hallway -When changed enter the gym and move directly to the meeting place for your class Exiting the gym: -At the end of class, get changed and come back into the gym -Wait for the bell and/or listen for announcements -Leaving through the back changing room doors or before the bell rings are not acceptable

10 The boys’ and girls’ changing rooms are there for your use and convenience. ANY vandalism or abuse of the changing rooms will result in the changing rooms being closed until further notice. You will be responsible for getting changed elsewhere and getting to class on time. Be responsible. Report abuse. Do not let the actions of a few ruin it for everyone.

11 Students with medical issues need a doctor’s note stating the: NATURE of the illness, ACTIVITIES the student may take part in, EXPECTED length of recovery. Students with medical issues need to participate fully to the best of their ability and change into appropriate PE strip every day. Where necessary, adaptations by the PE staff will be recommended.

12 If you have an ongoing medical condition (asthma, diabetes, heart murmurs, etc), let your teacher know immediately. Students who feel well enough to be at school are expected to participate in Physical Education class. Only notes from a medical doctor will be accepted.

13 Assessment means how you will be marked. Assessment in PE will be broken down into PARTICIPATION, FITNESS, and SKILL & THEORY. The percentages vary with each grade.




17 Grade 11 PARTICIPATION – 50% FITNESS – 20% SKILL & THEORY – 30% Grade 12 PARTICIPATION – 50% FITNESS – 20% SKILL & THEORY – 30%

18 There are no course fees for PE 8, 9 or 10. If a field trip is planned within a class, students may be asked to contribute to the cost. PE 10 Leadership, Senior PE, and Women’s Fitness and Health classes will have a course fee attached. Course fee covers community recreational activities.

19 A student who misses class time will lose marks – participation, skill, theory, and/or fitness. Any student who is absent due to illness or extended vacation will have the opportunity to make-up missed participation marks in one or more of the following ways:

20 1. Be in the gym by 11:30am. SIGN IN with the noon hour supervisor; complete the activity in the gym; SIGN OUT with the noon hour supervisor. Two lunch times equals 1 class missed. 2. Sign-up and take part in the noon-hour intramural activities. 3. Attend a scheduled fitness session in the fitness/weight room. ***For all options you must sign in and sign out with a teacher or supervisor. Appropriate athletic clothing is required for all activities.***

21 Certificate and Keeper Plaque for: TOP Male PE student in each grade. TOP Female PE student in each grade. TOP student in Leadership 10. TOP student in Women’s Fitness and Health Awards to be presented at the Awards Ceremony in June 2013.

22 Certificates awarded to students in each grade who have demonstrated excellence in all aspects of Physical Education. Number of students is determined by enrollment in each grade.

23 - Help us build a state of the art fitness/weight room by getting involved in an event to help fundraise for new equipment. - You will have a say in the equipment we purchase. -We need ideas, sponsors, prizes, your artistic and organizational talent and we need people who aren’t afraid to work hard! *See Ms. Emanuele or Mrs. Mang ASAP to become involved in the fundraiser and have a say in YOUR fitness/weight room!*

24 The fitness/weight room will be open mornings and after school. A fitness/weight room that is well used will get FUNDING! JOIN the CLUB by making a commitment to attend 2 to 3 times a week REGULAR members will be rewarded with not only better fitness and health but also t-shirts, wrist bands, water bottles, and “healthy” treats and coupons (Subway, Gourmet Pita, etc!)


26 Mr. Parhar - South Wall (where the Huskies are drawn on the wall) Mr. Rosencrans - South West Bleacher Wall (bleachers closest to the parking lot) Mr. Odin - North West Bleacher Wall (bleachers closest to the main hallway doors) Ms. Emanuele - North East Office Wall (area to the left of the PE office Mrs. Mang - South East Office Wall (area to the right of the PE office) Ms. Niemar - North Wall - (area between the changing rooms/studio wall) Ms. Sayers-Smart – North East Office Wall (area to the left of the PE office)

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