1Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash (MM) Andrew Taylor and Andrew.

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Presentation on theme: "1Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash (MM) Andrew Taylor and Andrew."— Presentation transcript:

1 1Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash (MM) Andrew Taylor and Andrew Lowe Developing Multimedia Assets:  Aimed at people with limited experience of developing multimedia components for the web.  Modern web browsers support many multimedia formats: pictures, sound, music, animations and videos.  Learn how to design, create and add multimedia components to your web pages.  Use of Adobe CS4 Web Standard Edition (Fireworks, Flash, Dreamweaver)

2 2 Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 Computer Facilities in Computer Science and Information Systems (DCSIS) Need ID card for security purposes Admin Contact: ITAdmin@dcs.bbk.ac.uk Login to DCSlS Network using: Username = ITS Username Password = DCSIS Password Login to ITS Labs/Blackboard using: Username = ITS Username Password = ITS Password DCSIS & ITS Rules and RegulationsRulesRegulations Laser Printer Quota = 2500 A4 pages (£5 per 500 pages thereafter)

3 3Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 MMB April/June 2010: Schedule Mondays 6.00 to 9.00pm, Room SH128  19 April (Session 1)  26 April (Session 2)  10 May (Session 3)  17 May (Session 4)  24 May = Self-Study (TMA)  7 June (Session 5)  14 June (Session 6)  21 June (Session 7)  28 June (Session 8)

4 4Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 MM - Assessment  TMA (25%) Due at start of Session 5 (7 th June) TMA: Image/Photo gallery  FMA (75%) Due by Tuesday 3 rd August 2010 FMA: Website of your choice (images, sound, video/flash)

5 5Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 MM – Folder Structure/Files Use I: drive in DCSIS:  Working files in I:\myfiles\mm\  Website files in I:\web\mm\ I:\web\mm\index.html (MM Home Page) I:\web\mm\mmtma\index.html (MM TMA) I:\web\mm\mmfma\index.html (MM FMA)  URLs of MM webpages: MM Home page: www.bbk.ac.uk/~username/mm/index.html MM TMA: www.bbk.ac.uk/~username/mm/mmtma/index.html MM FMA: www.bbk.ac.uk/~username/mm/mmfma/index.html

6 6Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 MM Working Files (in myfiles folder) Keep working files in I:\myfiles\ folder:  I:\myfiles\mm\  I:\myfiles\mm\mmtma\  I:\myfiles\mm\mmfma\ Sub-folders for images:  I:\myfiles\mm\images  I:\myfiles\mm\mmtma\images\  I:\myfiles\mm\mmfma\images\ Sub-folders for resources:  I:\myfiles\mm\resources\

7 7Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 MM Web Files (in web folder) Keep website files (that will be published on your BBK student website) in I:\web\ folder:  I:\web\mm\index.html  I:\web\mm\mmtma\index.html  I:\web\mm\mmfma\index.html Sub-folders for images:  I:\web\mm\images\  I:\web\mmtma\images\  I:\web\mm\mmfma\images\

8 8 Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 Getting Help/Support  Andrew Taylor (AndrewTaylor@dcs.bbk.ac.uk)  Admin: ITAdmin@dcs.bbk.ac.uk@dcs.bbk.ac.uk  DCSIS Systems Group (I: drive): sg@dcs.bbk.ac.uk sg@dcs.bbk.ac.uk  IT Services (ITS), BLE, BBK: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/its/ http://www.bbk.ac.uk/its/  My Profile on My Birkbeck: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/mybirkbeck/

9 9Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 Multimedia Assets – Sessions 1 -4 IMAGES on the Web (Fireworks):  Common image formats: gif, jpeg, png  Image editing and optimisation  Static Images, Logos  Roll-over and Swap images  XHTML/CSS and Fireworks photo albums  Navigation states, icons and image sprites  Design, management and publishing  IPR and Web Content

10 10Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and Flash Session-1 Multimedia Assets – Sessions 5-8 FLASH Content on the Web:  Introduction to Flash, timeline and simple animations  Using shapes and images, animated banners  Flash slideshow and photogallery  Adding sound and video  Introduction to ActionScript  Exporting content and inclusion in standards compliant website

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