Centre for Medical Humanities University of Durham Interdisciplinary research and evaluation Delivery of multi-sector ‘arts in health’ projects International.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Medical Humanities University of Durham Interdisciplinary research and evaluation Delivery of multi-sector ‘arts in health’ projects International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Medical Humanities University of Durham Interdisciplinary research and evaluation Delivery of multi-sector ‘arts in health’ projects International profile and network hub A special commitment to the North East region cmh.info@durham.ac.uk www.dur.ac.uk/cmh

2 Are arts in health a means of treating people …or a way of helping them view the world?

3 - Making ‘new traditions’- an alignment between the social determinants of health and the cultural imperative to make art?

4 Autonomy and full social participation are so important for health that their lack leads to deterioration in health. Michael Marmot Status Syndrome 2004

5 Factors which make for health are concerned with a sense of personal and social identity, human worth, communication, participation in the making of political decisions, celebration and responsibility. The language of science alone is insufficient to describe health: the languages of story, myth and poetry also disclose its truth. Michael Wilson Health Is For People. 1975

6 Common Knowledge Workforce development in arts in health Multi-sector arts in health learning programmes Relationship-based working Pilot projects Research and evaluation Has influenced growth of networks in Yorkshire, East Midlands, North West, County Cork and Western Australia

7 From 2010, new Common Knowledge programmes in Gateshead, South Tyneside and Co. Durham

8 Induction event Developing a multi-sector workforce for community-based arts in health promotion HealthTopic Seminars Leading to… Pilot Projects CPD via Durham School of Medicine and Health Placements

9 Developing reflective practice The foundation of purposeful learning. Learning how to take a perspective on ones own actions and experience - examine experience rather than just live it.


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