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Measuring the Experience of our Patients in South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust Maureen Dale Service Lead, Carer and Patient Involvement 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring the Experience of our Patients in South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust Maureen Dale Service Lead, Carer and Patient Involvement 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring the Experience of our Patients in South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust Maureen Dale Service Lead, Carer and Patient Involvement 1

2 Patients invited locally (e.g. Friends & Family test, Patient “Stories”, transparency) National Measures (e.g. national inpatient surveys) Target focused (e.g. for commissioning) Patients volunteer feedback (e.g. NHS choices/ Care Connect pilot, complaints, compliments, comments) 2

3 The cross over areas present the opportunity to: Triangulate and confirm patients views Provide a holistic patient view Illustrate quantitative data or confirm qualitative Provide basis for action and further listening 3

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