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LinkedUp project: The language of business © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal.

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Presentation on theme: "LinkedUp project: The language of business © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal."— Presentation transcript:

1 LinkedUp project: The language of business © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or training purposes. They can be reproduced for free provided that this material is acknowledged as Crown copyright, reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. Adaptation of these materials for other languages is permissible, providing the original source is acknowledged. NVQ Italian and Business ‘Nel negozio di alimentari: Da Giacobazzi Deli’

2 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. In this unit you will... Language objectives To become familiar with vocabulary related to the business of a food shop To become familiar with vocabulary used to locate objects To be able to follow and give instructions To be able to recognise and express continuous actions Business objectives will investigate an Italian small business: Giacobazzi, a high quality food shop

3 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. _________di yogurt _________ di biscotti ___________ di acqua ______________di latte ____________di formaggio __________ di cereali _____________ di pasta _________di riso Un vasetto di plasticaUna busta Un vasetto di vetroUna bustina Un cartoneUna bottiglia Un pacchettoUn pezzo Complete the description of these products by choosing the correct container from the list below

4 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Put items in order-Riordina gli scaffali Ciao, puoi riordinare gli scaffali? Metti i prodotti negli scaffali giusti: Latticini, Bevande e Frutta, grazie! Mele Acqua  YogurtMozzarella  PereCocacola Smoothies Arance Pesche Aranciata Parmigiano Succo di frutta Banane 

5 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Locating Objects Match the Italian with the English words 1.Primo 2.Secondo 3.Terzo 4.Prima 5.Poi 6.A sinistra 7.A destra 8.Vicino 9.Accanto 10.Ultimo 11.Dietro 12.Davanti 13.Sotto A.Near to B.After/Then C.Third D.Second E. Next to F.On the left G.Before H.On the right I.In front of J.First K.Underneath L.The last M.Behind

6 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Look at the picture and then tick the correct statement Candice sta riordinando... 1.Lo scaffale della pasta 2.Lo scaffale del formaggio 3.Lo scaffale dei cereali Using visual cues to aid understanding

7 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Look at the picture and then tick the correct statement Richard sta riordinando... 1.La pasta 2.I biscotti 3.Il riso Using visual cues to aid understanding

8 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Grammar Point- Grammatica Stare + gerundive In Italian when we refer to an action which is still happening in the present we use : stare + the stem of the verb +ando (inf.are), endo (inf.ere), endo (inf.ire ) First, let’s have a look at Stare Io sto Tu stai Lui/lei sta Noi stiamo Voi state Loro stanno

9 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Grammar Point Transform the following sentences using the learnt structure 1.Candice riordinare gli scaffali 2.Steven sistemare la pasta 3.Richard scrivere la lista 4.Renata dare le istruzioni 5.Steven finire il lavoro 6.Marco servire la cliente

10 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Locating objects Watch the clip and complete the sentences with the missing word 1.Le lasagne vanno nel __________scaffale a__________ 2.Il pomodoro (va) nel ____________ scaffale 3.E la pasta dove ____? Watching a video and listening for specific words

11 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Riordina gli scaffali Sul primo scaffale metti la pasta accanto al riso Sul secondo scaffale metti i biscotti cereali a destra del caffè. Sul terzo metti i latticini: a sinistra il cartone di latte, al centro la mozzarella e a destra lo yogurt Infine sull’ultimo scaffale, metti la frutta: prima le mele, poi le arance e vicino alle arance metti le pere Recognising expressions of command

12 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Commands In Italian when you give instructions, directions or when you give a command you use the: Imperative, which can be used in either the second person singular(TU) or plural (VOI). ordinaremetterecoprirepulire Tu ordina Voi ordinate Tu metti Voi mettete Tu copri Voi coprite Tu pulisci Voi pulite

13 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Ora tocca a te! Give the following instructions in Italian Clean the shop! Put pasta on the shelves! Put the biscuits in order! Choose the most appropriate verb from the list below: Spostare Fare Mettere Pulire Riordinare

14 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Anna Motzo interviews Renata Giacobazzi Watch the video Logo courtesy Giacobazzi Deli

15 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Watch the video and tick the correct answer A. For how long have the Giacobazzi had their shop? 20 anni  19 anni  30 anni  B. Does Giacobazzi have any other shops? Yes another deli  a restaurant  a bar  C. How many days per week are they open? 7 days  6 days  Monday to Friday  D. How many staff does Giacobazzi have? 8  18  3  Listening for information

16 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Now watch the video again and answer the following questions A. Why is the restaurant called Emilia? It is the name of the owner  They came from the Emilia Region  It is because of a type of pasta  B. Which of the following statements is correct? “In the shop there...” one Spaniard ...are two Greeks ...are three Poles  C. How many hours per day do the staff work? 6  8  9  D. Which of the following is mentioned by Renata? Suppliers  Clients  Managers  Listening for information

17 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Talking about opening and closing times... A. On which day does the shop open at 9? Monday to Friday  Saturday  Sunday  B. On which day(s) does the shop close at 6? Monday to Friday  Saturday  Sunday  C. On Sunday the shop... is open  is closed  closes at 6 

18 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Watch the video again Fill in the gaps with the missing words Il negozio __________alle ____________ dal __________al__________ Il sabato ___________ alle _________ Opening and closing times Il negozio apre alle (time) Eg. Il negozio apre alle 9:00 Il negozio apre (days of the week) Eg. L’ufficio apre dal lunedì al venerdì Recognising time expressions

19 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Ora tocca a te... Orario d’apertura Banca Lun-Ven mattina: 8:30-13:00 e pomeriggio 14:30- 16:00 Orario d’apertura Supermercato Lun-Ven 10:00-20:00 Sabato 10:30-19:30 Chiuso la domenica Orario d’apertura del negozio Lun-Ven10:00- 20:00 Sabato e Domenica 12:00- 17:00 Write down using complete sentences the opening and closing times of the following businesses

20 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Well done! You have completed this unit!

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