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 Transition to university for students with visual impairments University of Bath HE STEM Seminar Visual Impairments (VI) STEM Iryna Withington STEM SW.

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Presentation on theme: " Transition to university for students with visual impairments University of Bath HE STEM Seminar Visual Impairments (VI) STEM Iryna Withington STEM SW."— Presentation transcript:

1  Transition to university for students with visual impairments University of Bath HE STEM Seminar Visual Impairments (VI) STEM Iryna Withington STEM SW VI Project Group Member University of Bath, Widening Participation – Students with Disabilities

2 What we know …  Around two million children and young people identified as having a special educational needs (SEN) or who are disabled  Their life outcomes are disproportionately poor  Post-16, young people with SEN are more then twice as likely to be not in higher education, employment or training as those without  High aspiration and focus made a big differences in enabling young people with SEN and disabilities to progress in HE (OFSTED Report, September, 2010)

3 Issues around transition  VI is low incidence in higher education as higher education is delivered in a very visual way  Lack of confidence and self-esteem because young people with VI dependent on others (82%)  Fear of unknown, unfamiliar environment that could be isolating  The lack of knowledge about support (36%)  Parents fair of letting go

4 STEM VI Project – University of Bath  London School of Economics, University of London  University of Southampton, Institute of Physics  University of Cambridge, Plymouth University  University of Roehampton, Sheffield Hallam University  Loughborough University, University of West England  NADP, RAC, New College

5 VI Project – activities at Bath Pre-entry aspiration raising event University of Bath WP Sensory Support Services for Bath & NES, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, Bristol STEM SW

6 Plans for the day  With a focus on lab-based activities, the event will produce outcomes that are transferable across STEM disciplines  Meet Para Olympian athlete  Meet a second year psychology who is VI  Have fun with a range of science and maths activities at the university teaching facilities  Meet other pupils with VI and hear from existing students about what university’s like  Find out more about range of careers that are open to maths and science graduates  Learn more about financial support available to support students with disabilities during their university studies

7 Pre-entry event outcomes – What we are hoping to achieve  Raise aspiration to higher education by providing an opportunity to do something different  Confidence and independence by developing different skills  Help to overcome individual barriers (dialog with our Ambassadors during the day)  Continuity of support High Aspiration for All

8 How can you help Working together provide the best way forward for some most vulnerable young people Please complete questionnaire! Thank you!

9 If you are interested in our pre-entry event, please get in touch! Thank you!

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