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WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S WASH STRATEGY Session 2 Planning in Context S2 1.

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Presentation on theme: "WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S WASH STRATEGY Session 2 Planning in Context S2 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S WASH STRATEGY Session 2 Planning in Context S2 1

2 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S S2 2 Link with existing policy/strategies National development plans / strategies Cluster strategies Donor country assistance plans National policies Individuals agency strategies Inter-agency coordination strategies An effective strategy

3 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S Why is it important? a coordinated WASH response a platform for dialogue and consensus basis for communication and mobilising resources S2 3 WASH Cluster strategy What is involved? WASH Cluster Strategic Operating Framework (SOF) CLA & Strategic Advisory Group (SAG)

4 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S Build on established planning processes Involve key stakeholders Keep the process timely and simple Ensure effective vertical and horizontal consultation and linkages Seek government endorsement Disseminate widely and encourage feedback Review and update regularly S2 4 Process for strategy development

5 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S  analysis of the situation,  guiding policy and principles,  assumptions and scenarios,  timeline and phasing,  gaps and priorities,  key partners,  objectives and indicators,  sub-sector response strategies,  cross cutting issues. S2 5 Components of a WASH strategy

6 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S S2 6 A ‘clear analysis’ of the situation Emergency situation Country context Pre-crisis In-crisis disaster

7 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S S2 7 Assessing the emergency situation society systems personal Refugees ? Refugees ? IDPs ? IDPs ? Host communities ? Host communities ? Natural disaster Complex emergency Returnees ? Returnees ?

8 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S S2 8 Assessing the country context Country context EnvironmentalPoliticalSocio-economicHistoricalCultural Human rights & security

9 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training S Based on the country context factors that your group is considering, e.g. political and environmental aspects: Have these factors changed over the past year in this country? If so, in what ways have they influenced the current humanitarian situation? 15 mins to discuss. Record responses on a flip chart. 3mins for feedback. S2 9 Group work

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