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Quasars and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies as Probes of Dark Matter

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Presentation on theme: "Quasars and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies as Probes of Dark Matter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quasars and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies as Probes of Dark Matter
Bild på kvasar och LSBG? Erik Zackrisson

2 Outline Dark matter Quasars Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Dark matter halos Baryonic and non-baryonic dark matter Cold dark matter Quasars Gravitational lensing Redshift Low Surface Brightness Galaxies Rotation curves Summary of Results

3 Dark Matter Dark matter Luminous matter

4 First detection of dark matter
Top 10 most important problems in science Fritz Zwicky (1933): Dark matter in the Coma Cluster

5 The Dark Matter Problem
~2% (Luminous) ~98% (Dark)

6 Dark Matter Halos I Galaxy  Stars + Gas + Dust + Supermassive Black Hole + Dark Matter

7 Dark Matter Halos II Luminous galaxy Dark halo
Not a ring – a filled sphere! Dark halo

8 Baryonic & Non-Baryonic Dark Matter
Baryonic matter: ~15% Example: Stars, gas clouds, planets… Missing: ~ 35% Non-baryonic matter: ~85% Example: Axions, neutralinos, primordial black holes… Missing: ~ 100% Best model: Cold Dark Matter (CDM)

9 Cold dark matter and the evolution of structure

10 Cold dark matter and the evolution of structure II

11 Cold Dark Matter Halos Central density cusp predicted by
Observed Density Density profiles R Dark matter halo

12 Quasars


14 Gravitational lensing

15 Gravitational lensing II

16 Microlensing Made Simple
Microlensing more complicated than other forms of lensing because ML is time-dependent Opportunity and challenge (when both distance and velocity unknown) Obs! Fel bild!

17 Microlensing Made Simple II

18 Claim: The long-term optical variability of quasars is quased by microlensing
Similar claim by Zakharov for X-ray variability Hawkins, M.R.S. (1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003)

19 The dark matter puzzle solved?
Mcompact 10-3 Msolar Almost all of the dark matter in this form Primordial black holes? Bild på Hawkins bok

20 Expansion of the Universe
Viktigt inför presentationen av Big Bang Den jäsande degen… Inte bara verkar universum växa, expansionen verkar gå snabbare och snabbare också – expansionen accelererar

21 Redshifts High z  Large distance Low z  Small distance
Spooky picture… High z  Large distance Low z  Small distance

22 Claims of non-cosmological redshifts
z1 z2 Low-z galaxy with pairs of high-z quasars (with z1z2) aligned along minor axis Low-z galaxy surrounded by overdensity of high-z quasars

23 Ejection scenarios ? ? ? ? ? New galaxy (?), very low redshift (z1)
Bright quasar, low redshift (>z1) Faint quasar, high redshift (>>z1) Local galaxy, very low redshift (z1)

24 Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Examples of Target Galaxies The Very Large Telescope

25 The Central Mass Budget
High Surface Brightness Galaxies Low Surface Brightness Galaxies Dark matter Luminous matter Dark matter Luminous matter

26 Rotation Curves Spectroscopy → Rotation Curve → Density Profile Vrot
CDM prediction Vrot Density Observed Radius Radius Spectroscopy → Rotation Curve → Density Profile

27 Results Paper I Uncertainties in the typical quasar size  Quasar variability cannot easily be used to constrain dark matter at the current time Paper II Microlensing cannot explain the long-term optical variability of quasars – Hawkins is wrong! Paper III Non-cosmological redshift scenarios involving quasar ejection can be tested with observations of quasar host galaxies made a small telescope

28 Results II Paper IV The bluest low surface brightness galaxies can be used to test hierarchical galaxy formation models – provided that we can derive their ages The star formation rate of the bluest low surface brightness galaxies cannot have been constant or increasing – unless the stellar initial mass function is unusual Paper V The density profiles of the dark halos surrounding the bluest low surface brightness galaxies are in conflict with the Cold Dark Matter predictions

29 Errata Spikblad: Polhemssalen  Polhemsalen
Page v: optical long-term  long-term optical Page 3: as the ray crossed  as its ray grazed Page 24 (twice): reflectance  reflection Page 33: z  2—3  z  2—4 Page 35: the latter variations  these variations Page 35: hoever are  are however Page 37: by fast rise  by a fast rise Page 44: 1012—1014 m  1012—31013 m Page 56: disk by  disk is given by Page 69: ett par procent  några få procent Page 69: välkända astronomiska objekt  välkända typer av astronomiska objekt Page 69: både vår och andra  både vår egen och andra Paper I, page 26, column 2, paragraph 1: higher angular size distance  higher light travel time distance Paper V, page 8: Division line should not be dashed

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