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Napoleon and the End of the Revolution. Essential Question  Did Napoleon carry on the ideas of the Revolution, and what were the overall effects of revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Napoleon and the End of the Revolution. Essential Question  Did Napoleon carry on the ideas of the Revolution, and what were the overall effects of revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Napoleon and the End of the Revolution

2 Essential Question  Did Napoleon carry on the ideas of the Revolution, and what were the overall effects of revolution on France?

3 Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte  Was a brilliant general who won several victories against the enemies of France  Became a hero throughout France  People grow tired of the Reign of Terror and Robespierre is overthrown  Napoleon becomes 1st Consul

4 The Napoleonic Code  Was a series of laws and regulations that Napoleon initiated to reform the French government, society, and economy  These reforms brought stability and prosperity to France after the Reign of Terror

5 Reforms of the Napoleonic Code  People vote for new constitution to give Napoleon more power  Creates a fair tax system  Constructs a National Bank to grow the economy  Fires corrupt officials  Implements a system of meritocracy  People advance and get jobs based on merit/achievement  Recognizes Catholicism as “faith of Frenchmen”  Equality for all under the law  Restricted Freedom of Speech (against him/government)

6 Napoleon’s Ambition and Quest for Power  Crowned Emperor in 1804  Much like an absolute monarch  People support this  Expands France’s empire by conquering most of Europe and defeating country after country

7 Emperor Napoleon I


9 Downfall of Napoleon  Napoleon is eventually defeated by several countries after his failed invasion of Russia  Exiled to the island of St. Helena  Countries establish France as a constitutional monarchy


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