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Ancient Greek Theater. Main Purpose To honor Dionysus, the god of harvest and wine. Educational entertainment- used to teach lessons and morals. To express.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greek Theater. Main Purpose To honor Dionysus, the god of harvest and wine. Educational entertainment- used to teach lessons and morals. To express."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Greek Theater

2 Main Purpose To honor Dionysus, the god of harvest and wine. Educational entertainment- used to teach lessons and morals. To express the gods and world around them.

3 Main Parts Orchestra- center part of the theatre where the play took place.

4 Main Parts Skene- large rectangular building behind the the orchestra where the actors would change their costumes.

5 Main Parts Audience- was built on a slope and could seat thousands of people.

6 Three Types Of Plays

7 Tragedies First to be invented A character suffers a disastrous end Gods usually involved

8 Comedies Second to be invented Always had a happy ending

9 Satires Made fun of real people and legends. Affected people’s opinions about current events. Never made fun of the gods.

10 Playwrights Click on the link below to research the playwrights: Aeschylus Arsitophanes Euripedes Sophocles

11 Greek Masks To show the expression on their faces to the audience. Helped amplify the actor’s voices. Helped actors play more than one character.

12 Facts Masks were made out of linen or cork. Three male actors played all the roles. Plays were so important that prisoners were released from jail so they could be there. Aeshylus created dialogue and interacting characters. Every city-state had a theatre. Drama competitions were held for playwriting and acting.

13 Greek Words

14 Analemmata (æ-na-LEM-a-ta) Supporting or retaining walls for the audience seating area; more specifically, exterior walls supporting the theatron.

15 Eisodoi(EYE-soh-doy) Two side entrances to orchestra in the Greek theatre; entrance ramps between theatron and skene;.also see parodos.

16 Skene (SKAY-nay) (Greek: tent) Building behind the orchestra originally used for storage but provided a convenient backing for performances.

17 Pinakes(PIN-a-keez) Painted panels; temporary scenic elements usually placed in the openings (thyromata) of the Greek skene.

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