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TI-84 Graphing Calculator

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Presentation on theme: "TI-84 Graphing Calculator"— Presentation transcript:

1 TI-84 Graphing Calculator
Basic Computations Graphing Navigation Graphing Tools Statistics and Algebraic Models

2 First… Clear Memory Degree Mode 2nd, MEM, Reset: all RAM, ENTER
MODE, Degree, ENTER, 2nd, QUIT

3 Basic Computations Example: Answer: Looks Like:

4 Graphing Navigation… Typing Equations
Always set your equation equal to zero Use the correct syntax (see Basic Computations) Turn off Plots 2nd, STAT PLOT, 4:Plots Off, ENTER

5 Graphing Navigation… Viewing Window
To display x:[-10, 10]; y:[-10, 10] * ZOOM 6: Standard To show all points on a scatter plot * ZOOM 9: Stat To show entire graph on the screen * ZOOM 0: Fit To zoom in/out from the center of the screen * ZOOM 2: Zoom In * ZOOM 3: Zoom Out * Best option…learn to use the WINDOW to manually edit the length of the x-axis and y-axis

6 Graphing Navigation… Viewing Window Example:
* Graph x3 – 1.1x2 – 65.4x = – 229.5 x:[4.95, 5.15]; 0.05 y:[–0.1, 0.1]; 0.01 Does the graph have any zeros?

7 Graphing Tools… Calculating Extrema (minimum/maximum) 2nd, CALC
3:minimum or 4: maximum LB, ENTER, RB, ENTER, Guess?, ENTER x = (where it occurs) y = min/max value

8 Graphing Tools… Finding Zeros/Roots (x-intercepts, solutions)
2nd, CALC 2: zero LB, ENTER, RB, ENTER, Guess?, ENTER x = (where it occurs) y = 0

9 Graphing Tools Locating Points of Intersection (two graphs) 2nd, CALC
1st curve, ENTER, 2nd curve, ENTER, Guess?, ENTER

10 Practice: x4 – 7x2 + 6x * zeros: –3, 0, 1, 2 * max: (0.456, 1.323)
* Find the zeros, maximum, and minimums: x4 – 7x2 + 6x * zeros: –3, 0, 1, 2 * max: (0.456, 1.323) * min: (–2.056, –24.057) * min: (1.601, –1.766) x3 – 4x2 – 7x + 10 * zeros: –2, 1, 5 * max: (–0.694, ) * min: (3.361, –20.745) 10x x2 – 54.85x * zeros: -3, 1.1, * max: (–1.625, ) * min: (1.125, –0.026)

11 Statistics and Algebraic Models…
Scatter Plots * Plotting Points Clear Y= Turn on Plot 1: 2nd, STAT PLOT, 1, ON, ENTER Enter ordered pairs: STAT – 1:Edit Enter x-coordinates for L1 Enter y-coordinates for L2 ZoomStat to view graph

12 Statistics and Algebraic Models
Lines of Best Fit STAT – CALC Choose type of equation: 4: Line 5: Quadratic 6: Cubic 7: Quartic Type L1, L2, Y1 -Use the 2nd button to type L1 and L2 -Don’t forget the comma -To find Y1 press VARS, Y-VARS, 1:Function, 1: Y1 Press ENTER The algebraic model is shown on the graph, and the equation is located in Y1

13 Example: * Make a scatter plot of the data:
* Find a linear model, quadratic model, cubic model Linear Equation: y = 0.572x Quadratic Equation: y = 0.059x2 – 0.617x Cubic Equation: y = –0.0124x x2 – 3.269x x 5 10 15 20 y 10.1 2.8 8.1 16.0 17.8

14 Life Expectancy (years)
Make a 2 scatter plots of the data: * Men: Plot 1 * Women: Plot 2 * set x = 0 to represent the year 1970 * Find a quadratic model and cubic model for the data * Which model best fits the data? * What is the life expectancy for men & women in 2020? Life Expectancy (years) Year of Birth Men Women 1970 67.1 74.7 1980 70.0 77.4 1990 71.8 78.8 2000 73.2 80.2 2010 74.5 81.3

15 Find the minimum, maximum, and zeros of each function.
Then find the point(s) of intersection of the functions. The table shows U.S. energy production for a number of years. Find a linear model, a quadratic model, a cubic model, and a quartic model for the data. Let x = 0 represent 1960. Graph each model. Which one is the better fit? Use each model to determine the current energy production. Which model has the most reasonable answer?

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