2005-2006 Budget Priorities January 11, 2005 Prekindergarten Programs  Title I  Starting Points  LA 4  8(g)  Special Education Preschool  Even.

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2 2005-2006 Budget Priorities January 11, 2005

3 Prekindergarten Programs  Title I  Starting Points  LA 4  8(g)  Special Education Preschool  Even Start  Education Excellence Fund (EEF)  Head Start  Locally Funded

4 Eligibility Requirements The majority of the programs require that a child be eligible to receive free or reduced price meals. There may be additional requirements based upon the funding source.

5 2003 – 2004 Prekindergarten Funding  LA 4 35 million  Starting Points 5 million  8(g) 9 million  Title I 20 million  Even Start 400,000  Head Start 100 million  EEF 1.7 million Figures for 2004-05 are not available at this time. All numbers are approximate and do not include local funds or funds for students with disabilities.

6 2003-2004 Prekindergarten Students  67,034 four-year-old children  42,519 considered “at-risk” for school failure  Approximately 35,666 “at- risk” students receiving services in the public schools or in Head Start*  Approximately 6,855 unserved “at risk”  Approximately 31,370 students not enrolled in public pre-k programs *1,393 of these students are served by the Nonpublic Early Childhood Development Program

7 Allocations LA 4 and Starting Points Allocation Students Served 6 Hour Program Enrichment Program 2001-2002 $15 Million (LA 4)1,709300 2002-2003 $30,274,125 (LA 4)4,8792,174 2003-2004 $35,470,137 (LA 4)6,0031,956 $5,019,000 (Starting Points) 1,457 2004-2005 $35,000,000 (Both Programs) 6,304 (LA 4) 2,533 795 (SP)

8 LA 4 Funding  $5,000 per student for the 6 hour instructional day  $1,125 per student for the before and after school enrichment program ($1.56 per hour)

9 LA 4 Funding  In 2004-2005 LA 4 was funded at $35 million  51% or $18 million was from State General Funds  49% or $17 million was from federal TANF funds

10 Anticipated Prekindergarten Population for 2005 - 2006  65,193 live births in 2001  61% free and reduced lunch rate  Approximately 39,767 “at-risk” four- year-old students

11 Anticipated Funding for 2005 - 2006  Possible 39,767 “at-risk” students  Approximately 36,000 students currently being served in public school programs  Approximately 4,000 “at-risk” may be unserved  Approximately $20 million needed to serve remaining at risk*  An additional $127 million needed to serve remaining population* * Based upon $5,000 per child

12 Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support  School-wide positive behavior support is a process that: establishes an effective and efficient system to address behavioral issues; utilizes proactive positive education practices that support success; defines, teaches, and supports appropriate behavior of students and staff; and relies on data-based decisions to target interventions and evaluate progress.

13 Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (cont.)  A process of introducing, modeling, and reinforcing positive behavior which develops a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm and undesired actions are reduced.  This reduction ultimately results in an increased amount of productive, “on-task” time of instruction for individual students and an environment more conducive to learning for all.  This process also affords schools the ability to focus on children with greatest behavioral needs.

14 Funding for PBIS Administrative Support  Small portion of existing Special Education resources  Smaller portion of Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities – Title IV funds  8(g) grant awarded in 2004-05  Locals use a variety of funding streams to fund.  171 Schools in 49 LEAs are trained in PBIS and funding in a variety of ways.

15 Coordinated School Health Programs – 8 Major Components  School Environment  Health Education  School Meals and Nutrition  Physical Education  Health Services  Counseling, Psychological, and Mental Health Services  Staff Wellness  Parent/Community Partnerships

16 Coordinated School Health Programs  In collaboration and coordination with other state agencies, including DHH, DSS, DOJ, and DOC, the Department of Education is working to provide prevention, intervention and treatment services to students in schools.  School-based health centers are reporting that many visits involve “mental health conditions.”  Improving access to appropriate mental health services is a focus of Louisiana’s Coordinated School Health Plan, as well as the Juvenile Justice Reform Act.  DOE is playing an active role in the LA Public Mental Health Review Commission to ensure that the mental health needs of children continue to be a priority of the commission.

17 Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Principles  All students have equal access to learning  Education is individualized based on learning needs  Most students can successfully be included in general education classes  Students can become independent learners

18 SIM: Yesterday and Today  University of Kansas: Began research in 1978 as the Institute for Research in Learning Disabilities  Currently called the Center for Research on Learning (CRL)  Focus on low achievers, individuals at risk for failure, and individuals with disabilities  Designs interventions to dramatically improve the performance of learners, and develops systems to ensure implementation success

19 SIM in Louisiana  Began professional development and use of the research-based strategies in 1999-2000.  Professional development is offered regionally as well as per request by school districts throughout the state.  A cadre of individuals have become certified SIM professional developers and others continue to seek this certification.  An annual institute has been held the past three years.


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