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WMO CBS in support of DRR 2013 Coordination Meeting of DRR FP 14 - 16 October 2013, Geneva Mr Michel Jean CBS DRR Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "WMO CBS in support of DRR 2013 Coordination Meeting of DRR FP 14 - 16 October 2013, Geneva Mr Michel Jean CBS DRR Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 WMO CBS in support of DRR 2013 Coordination Meeting of DRR FP 14 - 16 October 2013, Geneva Mr Michel Jean CBS DRR Coordinator

2 WMO Outline  What is CBS  CBS Framework & WMO Vision  CBS activities  Responsibilities of Technical Commissions  CBS in support of DRR  Conclusions

3 What is CBS?  "…On 17 March 1951, a nearly one-year-old WMO took over all the responsibilities of the International Meteorological Organization (IMO), including the IMO Commission for Synoptic Weather Information (CSWI), which had been established in 1923. WMO immediately renamed the CSWI as the WMO Commission for Synoptic Meteorology (CSM), but with extended responsibilities, and then again renamed it as CBS during Sixth Congress in 1971....the challenge for CBS is to guarantee the development of the basic systems infrastructure in support of all programmes".  Statement by M. Jarraud, Secretary-General, at opening of the Extraordinary Session of the Commission for Basic Systems (Seoul, 9 Nov 2006)  The main activities of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) are related to the development, implementation and operation of integrated systems for observing, data processing, data communication and data management, and to the provision of public weather services, in response to requirements of all WMO Programmes and opportunities provided by technological developments. CBS is the lead Technical Commission for the overall World Weather Watch Programme (WWW), the WMO Space Programme and the Public Weather Services Programme.

4 CBS Framework  CBS Management group  OPAG IOS  Integrated Observing Systems  OPAG ISS  Information Systems and Services  OPAG DPFS  Data Processing and Forecasting Systems  OPAG PWS  Public Weather Services  Cross cutting activities  WIGOS  WIS  QMF  DRR  Feeding the following Programmes  WWW  WSP  PWSP

5 Our collective vision….  The vision of WMO is to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and water resources and related environmental issues and thereby contribute to the safety and well-being of people throughout the world and to the economic benefit of all nationsvision

6 How do we achieve that Vision? By enabling an integrated multi-hazard multi-scale weather and environmental alerting platforms from nowcasting to climatological timescales that takes into consideration the complete cycle relating weather to impacts and the underlying infrastructures (social, physical and environmental)

7 Forecast Lead Times TransportationTransportation Search & Rescue Search & Rescue RecreationRecreation EcosystemEcosystem EnergyEnergy Agriculture + Fire Capa(Precipitation) Caldas (Land + Snow) Hydrological + Hydrodynamic (Forced) 3D var Ice (Sea + lakes) SAM 2.0 (Ocean) Initial Conditions NowcastingNowcasting Land + Snow (Fully Coupled) Deterministic (1-2 days) Deterministic Global Ocean - Ice (Fully Coupled) Regional Ocean+GL-Ice (Fully Coupled) High-Res Land Surface-Urban ((Forced) Probalistic (3-16 days) Probalistic Monthly + Seasonal Ocean-Ice-Waves (Forced) Water Resource Planning Forecasting Systems ApplicationsApplications Wind Energy Deterministic (2-10 days) Deterministic Probalistic (1-3 days) Probalistic DND Operations DND Operations Practically, what does it means…

8 Responsibilities of Technical Commissions and related Technical Programs  The eight technical commissions are composed of experts designated by Members and are responsible for studying meteorological and hydrological operational systems, applications and research. They establish methodology and procedures and make recommendations to the Executive Council and the Congress. The technical commissions usually meet once every four years, when they elect a President and Vice-President. The Commission for Basic Systems holds an extraordinary session in between.  They also have an emerging responsibility to work horizontally in order to maximize the investment of Members  We need to look at it from an Enterprise perspective… the global meteorological and hydrological enterprise

9 The Innovation Chain: a Technology/Service driven process SERVICES RESEARCHDEVELOPMENT OPERATION Stakeholders, clients and partners Monitoring, High-performance Computing and Cyber Infrastructures

10 Basic IT infrastructure (HPC, WIS, etc) Monitoring Strategy (Network of networks) Water Cycle Prediction Services Next Generation WWOAC Forecasting System Climate services Modernized Weather Warning and Service Delivery System Integrated Environmen tal analysis and Prediction Strategy WMO vision, reducing risks, becoming more resilient Transpor tation systems

11 In conclusion…  Through its activities, CBS does support DRR and also enables other TCs and TPs to do so  We need to move toward an integrated DRR framework to allow Members address problems in a:  systematic,  coordinated,  sustainable,  efficient & effective way.  This is why we are here….

12 Thank you for your attention

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