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Bureau Zuidema Jolanda Botke Postbus 127 3830 AC Leusden 033 – 434 58 00 Joris Rietman

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Presentation on theme: "Bureau Zuidema Jolanda Botke Postbus 127 3830 AC Leusden 033 – 434 58 00 Joris Rietman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bureau Zuidema Jolanda Botke Postbus 127 3830 AC Leusden 033 – 434 58 00 Joris Rietman Januari 2010 APL for youngsters in (juvenile) prison A Leonardo da Vinci TOI project promoted by ROC Aventus and coordinated by Bureau Zuidema NL Marieke Oudshoorn

2 We develop individual talents to help organisations grow in a sustainable way. Expertise in the field of positive power and influence Influence model® The aim is to achieve an optimal result and at the same time maintain a good relationship. Our starting point is the talent of people. It is our goal to help you to optimise your strengths

3 We offer expertise and training on…. Learning and development Leadership Human Resource Management Participation through Works Councils Commercial effectiveness Personal effectiveness



6 Onze trainers Marieke Oudshoorn trainer “ That people let me participate and share their development experience I see that as a sign of confidence and a deepening of my trainer capacity” Jeroen de Waal senior consultant “Our contribution to the implementation of competency and age-conscious policy to strengthen the capacity of management development within organizations "

7 Positive Power and Influence® Program The core of the POSITIVE POWER AND INFLUENCE® Program is the Situational Influence Model which highlights that we need not rely on one predominant influence style.

8 The Added Value of Human Performance Technology (2004-2006 Implementing APL in companies (2007-2009 Measuring and Assessing Social Skills (partnership, just started) Career transition in times of crisis (partnership, just started) SKILLS (Grundtvig partnership, just started) APL in prison... Participation European Projects

9 Roles in our own organization Jolanda Botke Program manager Innovation and Development Co-ordinator Leonardo projects

10 Roles in our own organization Marieke Oudshoorn Trainer and advisor Co-ordinator life long learning project.

11 Roles in our own organization Joris Rietman Student Labour & Organizational psychology Internship at Bureau Zuidema

12 Role in the project Co-ordinate the project together with ROC Aventus. Explorate the usefullness of psychological treatment and training for an APL procedure in the (juvenile) prison. Integrate psychological treatment to the APL procedure (if possible). Elaborating APL in non-formal settings. Project monitoring.

13 Why we are in this project? Accreditation of prior learning (APL) Linking formal and non-formal learning Using insights from other countries Contributing to society issues Innovate, learn and grow!

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