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This is the header of the site This is the top navigation and the linkbar to all the dynamical modules.

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3 This is the header of the site

4 This is the top navigation and the linkbar to all the dynamical modules

5 The login section gives the user access to all restricted documents and allows in some cases to modify the actual content through the DHTML editor.

6 The forum section allow users to start an online discussion. The forum can be restricted to workgroups or can be opened to the public for an open consultation on several matters. This feature will not be available on the offline version

7 The Contact module allows you to get in contact with all the different participants that worked on this project.

8 The Document section stores a broad range of different key documents, organised and sorted out.

9 The Download section gives you access to some useful tools such as PDF readers (in several formats). In this way we try to optimalise the accessibility of the site.

10 The FAQ-section is a Q&A library on 2 sets of questions: A)Constitutional questions B)IT-related questions

11 The Main Menu is the key navigation tool of the site. The navigation will give you access to all the various pages in several layers.

12 This section gives you all the different treaties in one glance. In a future version multiple language version of the different treaties will be available through this quickmenu.

13 The Newsflash module is a extremely handy tool to highlight new updates or oncoming events. This section will be visible through the entire site. That’s why it’s a exellent tool to attract the users attention.

14 This is the main area or body area, all the content will be presented in this box.

15 The search function allows you to search the site using keywords or full search strings. This feature also allows you to search trough the Ratification Calendar.

16 The Calendar gives you an overview of all the oncoming events. This module can be used for various types of events. It’s even possible to hidden certain important events (such as meetings) for the public users.

17 Related items will give the user an overview of related content on the subject you are browsing to. It’s a handy tool to scan the site very quickly to only the content that intrests you the most.

18 We hope you enjoyed the quick walkthrough, for more detailed information you might check to Frequently Asked Question area in the topmenu. For additional questions you can also always contact us through the contact section. We thank you for your attention.

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