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Beat the Pack Program Coping With the Urge to Smoke.

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Presentation on theme: "Beat the Pack Program Coping With the Urge to Smoke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beat the Pack Program Coping With the Urge to Smoke

2 Agenda Common triggers Ways to cope What to do if you slip Next steps

3 Coping With the Urge to Smoke What triggers an urge for you? Are there certain times of the day that are the hardest for you? How have you changed your routine and lifestyle to make quitting easier? Have you talked to your doctor?

4 Common Triggers Being around smokers/smoking Certain situations or people Alcohol or coffee Sweet or spicy foods Stress USDHHS. Accessed March 3, 2008. ACS. Accessed March 3, 2008. ACS. Accessed February 27, 2008.

5 Ways to Cope Call someone for support > Exercise to reduce urges and weight gain Use substitutes like water or gum Join forces with a “quit buddy” Remind yourself why you want to quit Look at the 31 Things calendar Relax with music or meditation Read your Personal Progress Tracker ACS. Accessed March 3, 2008. Taylor AH et al. Addiction. 2007;102;534-543. USDHHS. Accessed March 3, 2008. Do something new or enjoyable

6 What to Do if You Slip If you slip, you can still successfully quit If you have a cigarette, stop smoking again right away Write what made you slip in your Personal Progress Tracker and what you could have done differently Recommit to quit Reward yourself after you quit again 6 to 9 lifetime quit attempts for the average smoker CDC. Accessed February 13, 2008. Fiore MC, et al. Clinical Practice Guideline: Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services. Public Health Service; 2008. American Cancer Society. Accessed February 27, 2008.

7 Next Steps Next meeting:_____________ Contact info:______________ Questions? CHU01250BI© 2010 Pfizer IncAll rights reserved. Printed in USA/January 2010

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