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Global Internet Team m Web Site Design for Building On-line Communities Next-Generation DuPont External Web Design.

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1 Global Internet Team m Web Site Design for Building On-line Communities Next-Generation DuPont External Web Design

2 d Current Business Webs... u Generally are shallow information presentations organized by Products, Applications, News (press releases), and Contacts u Route inquiries to telephone and e-mail contacts only u Remain static for long periods of time

3 d We Could Do Better... u Web sites are created in “batch” mode u User feedback rarely affects site design or content u Sites are poorly linked with marketing and promotional efforts u Should be continuously updated u User feedback and surveys should tell owners what to change u Web sites could build on-line communities to support our offerings

4 d Layer Cake Interactive Design u Menus limit access up to resource-intensive facilities u Learnings are applied to update lower- resource facilities u Over time, web site adapts to user needs Information (products, news, etc.) Examples, Case Histories FAQs BBS Contact

5 d Functional Sites Offer More u Use Web for more than just “neon sign in cyberspace” u Reduce support costs - don’t answer the same question over and over again u Engage customers in relationships u If you “publish and then go away”, you are wasting opportunities

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