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Classroom Assessment & Grading that Work By Robert J. Marzano Matt Dodge | Paul Guerra.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Assessment & Grading that Work By Robert J. Marzano Matt Dodge | Paul Guerra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Assessment & Grading that Work By Robert J. Marzano Matt Dodge | Paul Guerra

2 Chapter 1: The Case for Classroom Assessment Four Generalizations: Feedback from classroom assessments should give students a clear picture of their progress on learning goals and how they might improve. Feedback on classroom assessments should encourage students to improve. Classroom assessment should be formative in nature. Formative classroom assessments should be frequent.

3 Chapter 2: The Role of State Standards Step 1: Unpack the Benchmarks in Standard Documents Step 2: Identify the Dimensions That Are Essential for All Students to Learn Step 3: Organize the Dimensions into Categories of Related Information and Skills

4 Chapter 2: The Role of State Standards Life Skills

5 QUIZ 1-8 6.2c Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers Answer all questions WITHOUT A CALCULATOR! Trade papers with a partner when you are done. Determine the weight of each question, then grade as you deem appropriate. Find another group who used a different grading criteria. Q1: 462 Coins Q2:154 Coins Q3:11 Boxes Q4:165 Dollars Q5:330 Dollars Q6:33

6 Chapter 3: A Scale That Measures Learning over Time Content Mr. Dodge Mr. Guerra

7 Chapter 3: A Scale That Measures Learning over Time

8 Chapter 3: A Scale That Measures Learning over Time Type I items: Address basic details and processes that are relatively easy for students. Type II items: Address more complex ideas and processes and are more difficult for students. Type III items: Go beyond what was taught in class.

9 Chapter 3: A Scale That Measures Learning over Time

10 Chapter 3: A Scale That Measures Learning over Time

11 Chapter 3: A Scale That Measures Learning over Time

12 Chapter 4: Designing Classroom Assessments Content

13 Chapter 4: Designing Classroom Assessments

14 Chapter 5: Assessments That Encourage Learning

15 Chapter 5: Assessments That Encourage Learning DODGE DOCUMENT EXAMPLE

16 Chapter 5: Assessments That Encourage Learning

17 Final Scores and Grades


19 Final Scores and Grades: Translating to Traditional Scores

20 Final Scores and Grades: Translating to Traditional Scores

21 Report Cards and the Future of Standards-Based or Topic- Based Schooling

22 Implementation Phase 1: Have a vanguard team of teachers experiment with topic- based assessment and record keeping. Phase 2: Identify the measurement topics that will be used throughout the district or school, the software that will be used to keep track of student performance on the topics, and the grading system that will be used. Phase 3: Implement the system in stages.

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