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The Raspberry Pi An Introduction 1. Learning Outcomes  LO1: Pupils will be able to identify each component part of the Raspberry Pi.  LO2: Pupils will.

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Presentation on theme: "The Raspberry Pi An Introduction 1. Learning Outcomes  LO1: Pupils will be able to identify each component part of the Raspberry Pi.  LO2: Pupils will."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Raspberry Pi An Introduction 1

2 Learning Outcomes  LO1: Pupils will be able to identify each component part of the Raspberry Pi.  LO2: Pupils will demonstrate the construction of the Raspberry Pi.  LO3: Pupils will be able to install an operating system. 10

3 Class Discussion  What do you think of when you hear the words ‘computer programmer’?  What do you visualise? 11

4 Learning Outcomes  LO1: Pupils will be able to identify each component part of the Raspberry Pi.  LO2: Pupils will demonstrate the construction of the Raspberry Pi.  LO3: Pupils will be able to install an operating system. 100

5 Do you think of someone like him? 101

6 How about these two innovators? 110

7 Did you visualise a girl?  Amy Mather – She is 13 years of age.  NnYFtA&feature=player_detailpage#t=99 NnYFtA&feature=player_detailpage#t=99 111

8 Raspberry Pi  Using an LED  2ww78hw 2ww78hw 1000

9 How do I access the Pi?  Now that Raspbian has installed, you will be prompted to enter a username and password.  Username: pi  Password: raspberry 1001

10 References   ommons/a/a2/Steve_Jobs_and_Bill_Gates _(522695099).jpg ommons/a/a2/Steve_Jobs_and_Bill_Gates _(522695099).jpg 1010

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