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How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? - Savannah went to Chapel Hill in NC (Sparks 28). -Aspergers.

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Presentation on theme: "How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? - Savannah went to Chapel Hill in NC (Sparks 28). -Aspergers."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? - Savannah went to Chapel Hill in NC (Sparks 28). -Aspergers Syndrome effects a person socially ("Asperger's syndrome - -John was angry with his father fro his coins and talking about them. There was never any money left, not even for John to go to college (Sparks 12). --John was embarrassed to bring his friends around. I was embarrassed by the sight of him, and after the game, I avoided him. Im not proud of myself for that, but thats who I was. (Sparks 13). -Literary heroes can be constructed simply by the setting, conflicts and antagonists in the novel. Modern day has many different ways of getting new information and being able to research through dozens of resources. Savannah, the girl John fell in love with went to school at UNC Chapel Hill in North Carolina (Sparks 28), where she studied about people with disabilities. Savannah learned about Aspergers Syndrome. Aspergers is a disorder that can affect ones social and communication skills (Mayo Clinic). Being that John's father had always had this weird quirky trait to him, Savannah's knowledge of Aspergers and autism really had an impact on Johns growth and changes in this novel. With this in mind, John was never fond of his father that much. His father was obsessed with his coin collection. John would always get mad at him for always talking about his coins (Sparks 12). It was portrayed that John always seemed annoyed or angry with his father. John was embarrassed to bring his friends around. He knew what he was doing and the way he was acting towards his dad, he thought to himself, I was embarrassed by the sight of him, and after the game, I avoided him. Im not proud of myself for that, but thats who I was. (Sparks 13). He never understood why his father acted the way he did and did not care to learn why. Yet, his father never intentionally meant to harm John in any way. With the disorder he had, he couldn't control the way his socialization worked. The conflict between John and his father was a major challenge that was overcome in Johns journey. Such conflicts as Savannah offering the book about Aspergers to John and him rejecting it and feeling insulted, effected the outcome in Johns development. If for instance John had automatically accepted the book, John would not live up the name of a hero. Heroes are people who work for what they are trying to accomplish.

2 How do we define the personality traits of a hero? traits make up a hero sacrifice Determination perseverance courage Selflessness ("Qualities of a Hero.) John sacrificed his time to join the army (Sparks 17) He was determined to fulfill some purpose in his life, as well as determined to fix his relationship with his father (Sparks 17) even though it was hard to get through military life, he still fought for his country by reenlisting (Sparks 177) he put others before him (Sparks 273) A hero can be defined by his or her personality traits. Personality traits are what make a hero a hero. Traits such as sacrifice, determination, perseverance, courage and selflessness. They sacrifice themselves and or their time to something of higher power than themselves. Through determination and persevering they don't give up on what they are trying to accomplish ("Qualities of a Hero.). John sacrificed his time to join the army (Sparks 17). In the novel, Dear John by Nicholas Sparks Savannah kept pushing John on trying to have a better relationship with his father via communication even though John was really stubborn about it. But he was determined to fulfill some purpose in his life, as well as determined to fix his relationship with his father (Sparks 17). Aside from this one trouble, throughout the whole book, John was becoming more open to new things. Things like how it was hard to get through military life, he still fought for his country by reenlisting (Sparks 177). he put others before him (Sparks 273).

3 What is Asperger's Syndrome and Autism? developmental disorder cant socialize or communicate well people with disorder are socially awkward grouped with or considered autistics spectrum or pervasive developmental disorders no cure (Mayo Clinic) -People who have autism have limited contact with people, lack of eye contact, and are very repetitive - In real life, for instance, Temple Grandin thinks of her autism, specifically her lifelong tendency to think in pictures rather than in words, not as a handicap of any sort but as a tremendous advantage (Bethune). - You have to live with it the rest of your life, but it can be something you can still live to your fullest with. - Lack of social skills - (Bethune) -Mild form of autism -People with Aspergers tend to be in the math, sciences, and tech fields -People with this, are incredibly smart (perceptions) Aspergers Syndrome is a brain developmental disorder. Aspergers is grouped and considered to be a part of the autistic spectrum or pervasive developmental disorders (Mayo Clinic). It is a mild form of autism. A person with this syndrome you can most likely find in the fields of math, science or technology. They are incredibly smart (perceptions). Aspergers Syndrome comes with his disadvantages as well. Anyone who has Aspergers can have a relatively difficult time socializing. They are what is considered socially awkward (Mayo Clinic). Autistics will limit themselves with any sort of contact with others like eye contact or physical contact. Their amount of social skills lack. Another thing that you typically see in autistics and people with Aspergers Syndrome is that they develop routines and become extremely repetitive in everything they do (Bethune).

4 Did the fact that John enlisted in the army effect his relationship with his dad? - John was a sergeant for a weapons squad in infantry (Sparks 38) - We assemble in the morning, usually around six or so, make sure everyones there, and then we break into squads to exercise. Basketball, running, weight lifting, whatever. Sometimes theres a class that day, anything from assembling and reassembling our weapons, or a night-terrain class, or we might head to the rifle range, or whatever. If nothings planned we head back to the barracks and play video games or read or work out again or whatever for the rest of the day. Then we reassemble at for o clock and find out what were doing tomorrow. Then were done. (Sparks 38). -With Savannah and Johns father, he realized that sacrifices are major effects that come with loving someone (Sparks 275). - After 9/11 he reenlisted in the army (Sparks 177). - Stood up for the county even though he had his dad back home who had health problems. - wanted purpose in his life (Sparks 16) - John was already frustrated with his father (Sparks 12). - father was quiet, never joked, never was angry, didnt talk much, and everything was routine for him (Sparks 9). - Joining the army did not help his relationships back home ("Nicholas Sparks. ). -After active duty most soldiers encounter mental heath issues. Percentage of soldiers diagnosed with a mental heath issue went from 6.4% to 7.6% in 2007-2010 (Public Relations) - The military is a very structured lifestyle, and after a while everything becomes routine (Lamberten). -Typical schedule: I was up early to do PT, physical fitness at 5am,breakfast at 6:30, work from 7 to 5pm. When we had to do concrete work we had to work at night because it was too hot during the day, around 125 degrees during the day. (Lambertsen).

5 John had started out never having too much interest in his father. Once his father found the love for coins, that is all his dad wanted to talk about and John became frustrated with him (Sparks 12). John had joined the military with intentions to join the marines and ending up joining the army. He wanted to have purpose in his life instead of sitting around doing nothing, and get away from the life he was living now. He was working poor jobs and not giving too much care for his dad, joining the military was his escape from all of that (Sparks 16). John and his father never physically interacted. His father was all about routine, he made food on a specific day of the week and did everything with thought ahead of time. He was quiet and never really made any jokes or became angry. His father didnt even talk much to anyone, not just John (Sparks 9). Once John had made the decision to join the military, eventually it helped him have a little understanding of what his dad was like. Military life is all about routine and structural lifestyle (Lambertsen). Lambertsen stated his day to day schedule while on duty, I was up early to do PT, physical fitness at 5am, breakfast at 6:30, work from 7 to 5pm. When we had to do concrete work we had to work at night because it was too hot during the day, around 125 degrees during the day. Johns lifestyle was all about routine because he was in the military. He was a sergeant for a weapons squad in the infantry. He states, We assemble in the morning, usually around six or so, make sure everyones there, and then we break into squads to exercise. Basketball, running, weight lifting, whatever. Sometimes theres a class that day, anything from assembling and reassembling our weapons, or a night-terrain class, or we might head to the rifle range, or whatever. If nothings planned we head back to the barracks and play video games or read or work out again or whatever for the rest of the day. Then we reassemble at for o clock and find out what were doing tomorrow. Then were done. (Sparks 38). This gave him a little understanding of how it is to live like this and how is father functions. Of course he didnt fully understand but it gave him a little idea. When John joined he was 20 years of age in 1997 (Sparks 17). Although his time was just about up, September 11, 2001 occurred and quickly changed his mind to reenlist (Sparks 177). This could not have helped the strain on their relationship.

6 How does the hero in the book go through all of the steps through out the heroes journey? 1 The Call- invited to, traumatic change in ones life 2 Threshold- jumping off point, acceptance 3 Challenges- series of challenges or temptations 4 Abyss- greatest challenge, surrendering 5 Transformation- accomplishment, over coming fears 6 Revelations- completion, final step, rebirth 7 Atonement- at-one, reborn, new again 8 Return- back to every day life, different views or awareness (Harris)

7 Continued… 1. The call is when Savannah drops her back in the ocean and John jumps in to get the bag. After, they meet and John ends up going to hang out with Savannah and her friends (Sparks 24-26). 2. The threshold is when Savannah actually met Mr. Tyree and talked to him in person. She realized that he had a hard time socially and got him to talk about his coins. (Sparks 88). 3. Challenges -Savannah gave John the book on Aspergers Syndrome. He became upset and angry with Savannah because he accused her of thinking his dad was retarded (Sparks 113). - John reenlisted in the army after 9/11 (Sparks 177). - John and Savannah became distant due to the lack of contact. He challenged himself to make more of an effort to contact Savannah while he was in Germany (Sparks 175). - When John went to visit Savannah on one of his leaves at her apartment, it was obvious they grew distant and their communication skills between each other became weak (Sparks 152-172) - Johns dad had a heart attack, this took more time away from Savannah. He wanted to spend time with her, but struggled with balancing his emotions (Sparks 178-179). 4. The abyss is when John starting reading the book Savannah gave him. (Sparks 126). 5. The transformation is John realizes that his dad does have a problem and he has a mental disorder. He accepts the fact of his dads state. He also came to realization of why his mother left them and that his dad was doing the best he could (Sparks 127-129). 6. The revelation was when he receives the letter from Savannah stating she couldnt handle the relationship anymore and she fell in love with someone else. John was hit with reality, that things dont always work out the way one wants them to (Sparks 186-187). Also when he came home after his fathers death and Savannah and him spend a lot of time together, he knew he couldnt be with her because she was married and it was the right thing for him to do (Sparks 263). He realized what really mattered to him. He loved her so much, he let her go and let someone else be with her. He told Tim he could have her and to make sure he takes care of her (Sparks 264-267). 7. John has atonement with himself after he leaves Savannah and Tim. He had gone to the convenience store before leaving town and made the decision to donate the money from his dads coin collection for Tim to be able to come home and live his life the fullest while he still could. (Sparks 269-271). 8. John then returned to normal everyday life. His leave was up so he had to go back to Germany. John realized the effects of true love and what sacrifice really means. He gave up the thing in life that he loved the most, Savannah, just for her to be happy. Tim had told me-and shown me-that love meant that you care for another persons happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be. (Sparks 275).

8 How does the background of the Savannah affect the way she helped John? -Majoring in special education in school (Sparks 31) - reason she went into special education: Alan (Sparks 39) - Savannah is really involved in community service. She loves helping people - went to church in her home town (Sparks 30) - Over the summer, she helps build houses for habitat for humanity (Sparks 30). - She was brought up in a very close-nit, well constructed family - Her best friend Tim, his brother has autism (Sparks 39) Savannahs background and upbringing greatly influenced the way she helped John. Savannah went to church in her home town and heavily believes in her religion (Sparks 30). Growing up she knew this boy named Alan and once she found out he had Autism and that no one really wanted to or knew how to help him, she grew this interest in taking the first step to being able to help him. Alan is her best friend Tims brother. Savannah explaining this to John was Sparks foreshadowing the fact that Savannah was going to help John with his father (Sparks 39). During the summer since she was 16, Savannah volunteered a month out of her summer to spend in Wilmington, NC to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and build houses (Sparks 30). It is clear that Savannah is a very loving, caring person. Because she is loving and caring, she wanted to help John have a full understanding of why his father acts the way he does.

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