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Social Communication Module 6 Audio-visual Support.

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1 Social Communication Module 6 Audio-visual Support

2 Introduction Tony Buzan's figures Read 10% Heard 20% Seen 30% Heard and Seen 50% Said 70% Said and Done 90%.

3 General principles  Visuals:  Make information more memorable  Help the speaker  Show information which is not easily express in words  Highlight information  Cause audience to employ another sense to receive information  Bring variety and therefore increase audience attention  Save time  Clarify complex information

4 1. Blackboard (whiteboard)  advantages  simple to use  cheep  endless space  Disadvantages  ?????

5 2. Flip chart

6 3. Maps, pictures  How to install them?

7 4. Experiments, models  demonstration by using assistants

8 5. Games and roles playing  Team building games  Communication games  Outdoor activities

9 6. Movie using, music playing  For analysis  you can analyze other people  As a feedback  For showing real life, real music  To make lesson more interesting

10 7. Computer and LCD projectors  Main rules:  Select fonts and point sizes  No capital letters in the body, good grammar  Use part with your own notes  8 rows no more in one slide  Esthetic rules (colors, proportions)  e-presentation.htm#relevant e-presentation.htm#relevant

11 Mistakes  Position screen where everyone can see it  Not too much details  Don't turn back on the audience  Use the pointer, LED pointer  Don't stand in front of the machine  Chooses your media carefully !!!!!

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