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Our hussar regiment is entering into the provincial town of Ples OLDI annual Dealer conference Russia Ples town June 19-22, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Our hussar regiment is entering into the provincial town of Ples OLDI annual Dealer conference Russia Ples town June 19-22, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our hussar regiment is entering into the provincial town of Ples OLDI annual Dealer conference Russia Ples town June 19-22, 2008

2 Event: annual Dealer Conference Date: June 19-22 2008 Venue: Ples town on Volga Participants: 120 Format: conference, open air Targets: branding – creation, strengthening, maintenance and increasing brand loyalty Aims: provide a comfortable atmosphere for solving commercial issues and recreation Geography: Moscow, Siberia, Volga Region, Central Region, Southern Region, Ural, Far Eastern and Northwestern Regions Visitor status: top-managers, CEO, purchasing managers Budget: 190 000$ Main parameters of the action

3 Event concept Why go to Courchevel, when you have never been to Ples? Its our pleasure to invite you into the 19 th century of Russian merchantry. This town, a live symbol of Russian province, commenced six centuries ago as an important fortress, built by Moscows first sovereigns on the north-eastern confines of the principality. Snow-white mansions of merchants along the man-made Ples embankment, standing on pine logs and penetrated by wooden drainage, appeared in the first half of the 19 th century, in the times when Ples flowered as a river port on Volga and a center of flax and bread commerce. At the turn of 19-20 th centuries Ples was famous as a place for summer residences. Local landscapes were praised by Levitan, they became part of Russias golden art fund. A short while before revolution Shalyapin built a big summer residence in Ples.

4 Adjunct sponsor package A low-cost instrument of brand promotion SPONSOR PACKAGE INCLUDES: Assignment of «Adjunct» status for the whole period of preparation and leading of the conference. Placement of Sponsors logo and indications of sponsorship category on the main banner of the conference Placement of Sponsors advertising poster in the conference-hall. Opportunity to participate in round-table discussions. Placement of Sponsors on-floor banner near the round-table. Opportunity to distribute publicity materials on the conference. Deadline for submitting an application: April 10 2008 Cost of Adjunct package: 5 000$

5 Draft brief program of the event June 19. Day 1 – district town is lost in admiration. Quote of the day: « Call upon all horsemen with curled moustache…» 08.24 - 12.15 Transfer Moscow – Yaroslavl in suburban train 12.45 – 13.45 Lunch in Yaroslavl 14.00 - 16.30 Sail down Volga to Ples 16.30 -17.00 Town meets our regiment 19.00 - 23.00 Dinner 20.30 - 22.30 The secrets of the hussar century (quiz). Concert and game program

6 June 20. Day 2 – work it the hussar way. Quote of the day: I was born to be in Tsars service 8.00 - 9.30 Breakfast. 10.00 - 11.45 first block of reports. 11.45 - 12.00 first coffee-break. 12.00 - 13.30 second block of reports. 13.30 - 15.30 Lunch. 15.30 - 17.00 third block of reports. 17.00 - 17.15 second coffee-break 17.15 - 18.30 fourth block of reports and round tables. 19.00 - 23.00 Dinner. Theme: Let the worries of passion rest, and leave alone the fresh wounds 23.00 – Disco And also…

7 June 21. Day 3 – playing the hussar way. Quote of the day: Who dared to steal regimental Banner??? » 08.00 - 09.30 Breakfast. 10.00 - 12.30 Negotiations (face to face meetings). 10.00 - 12.30 Leisure time for 100 persons. Instructions on the upcoming game or introduction into the game. Sightseeing. Visit to the Museum of Levitan and Travkin. 13.00 - 14.00 Lunch. 15.00 - 19.00 The Game (Real-virtual game with elements of logic and risk, based on the unique script Incident of district scale, especially developed within event concept, with due regard for the aims and tasks of the event, and venue specifics). 19.00 - 23.00 Gala Dinner. Theme: Do it our way – a la hussar. 23.00 – Disco And also…

8 June 22. Day 4 – Set-off a la hussar. Theme of the day: Watch your grown-up daughters (when hussars are in town anything might happen…) 08.30 - 09.30 Breakfast. 11.00 –13.00 Set-off (original, with a prank). Sail down Volga to Yaroslavl Lunch in Yaroslavl 16.35 - 20.13 Yaroslavl – Moscow in suburban train And also…

9 Preliminary list of participating companies "Депо КрмпьютерсМосква "ИНФОРМАТИКА" ОООЧебоксары "Кибертроник" (Респект)Москва "Логистик" ОООХабаровск "МОВИТРЭЙД" ООО (Мир)Москва ITSНовосибирск NetLab (сетевая лаборатория)Москва NTМосква Sunrise (Москва)Москва USNМосква X-COMP г.Пятигорск Акмакомг.Москва Алмаз-Гелонг.Москва Алтэкс - группа компаний ЗАОН.Новгород АльдоКрасноярск АпгрейдКалуга Арсенал+ ОООТюмень АртронКомпьютерсМосква Белый ВетерМосква Борлас СБКрасноярск БукваЕкатеринбург ВизардИркутск ВладосКраснодар ВолгоградпрограммсистемсВолгоград Грач Г.Р.г.Москва Гусарова О.Е. ИПБлаговещенск ЕвроноутПермь Евстигнеев ЧПг.Тверь Еурал Челябинск Зенит РостовРостов-на=Дону ИнтантТомск Камин плюсг.Калуга КаринМосква Киричков А.А.г.Москва КироланБийск КламасУфа Ком Трейд ОООКрасноярск Компания "Альянс" ОООВладимир Компьютерный Мир ОООВологда КОМПЬЮТЕР-СИТИ Краснодар Комтел ОООПетрозаводск Крона КС ЗАОЕкатеринбург Кронусг.Москва К-ТрейдБарнаул Лаптоп ОООМосква ЛИНК компьютерс ОООСмоленск Лобода О.В.Архангельск М-ВидеоМосква Микро Лана Сочи МИКРОКОД ООО Курск Нексор-групЗеленгорад НТ РостовРостов-на-Дону НэтаНовосибирск ПолярисМосква Президент-Агентство ЗАОг.Энгельс Респект XXI ОООЯкутск РетВоронеж РКЦ ПензаПенза Русгарант ОООМагадан Русский КомпьютерОбнинск Савина ИПМуром Сервисконтракт Тамбов Слинкин Р.А ПБОЮЛСалехард Спарк Энтерпрайзг.Москва СтекТомск Техмаркет (Полярис)Москва Технический холдинг Эльф" ОООЯкутск ТехнополисРостов-на-Дону ТехноситиНовосибирск ФорумМосква ЦЕНТР-О ООООренбург ЧП НИКОЛАЕВА В.АСыктывкар ЧП Полушина Е. В. (ЧП Чуркин С.В.)Киров Эксперт Пермь ИП Бурдина Пермь ЭЛМИИжевск ЭльдорадоМосква ЮнилайнЭлиста Юнисет Москва ЯГО ШОПТюмень Ярис ОООКазань

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