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Role-play B On the first page, you will see a sample of the preparation material you will be given 10 minutes before your exam. On the second page, you.

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Presentation on theme: "Role-play B On the first page, you will see a sample of the preparation material you will be given 10 minutes before your exam. On the second page, you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role-play B On the first page, you will see a sample of the preparation material you will be given 10 minutes before your exam. On the second page, you will see how a successful candidate would have tackled the role-play. On the third page, you will see the criteria that are used to decide your mark.

2 Sample Roleplay B Dans la rue You are in the street in France. The Examiner will play the part of a passer-by and will begin the conversation. Mention the following. 1. Say you are looking for one of the following. 2. Ask if it is far. 4. Answer the question ! 3. Ask if you can get there in one of the following ways. An exclamation mark means you can’t prepare for this in advance – just listen carefully to the examiner and try to think of an answer. In this case, the question was: Pourquoi êtes-vous en France?

3 Sample Roleplay B Dans la rue You are in the street in France. The Examiner will play the part of a passer-by and will begin the conversation. Mention the following. 1. Say you are looking for one of the following. 2. Ask if it is far. 4. Answer the question ! 3. Ask if you can get there in one of the following ways. C’est loin d’ici? Excusez-moi, Monsieur/Madame. Je voudrais aller au supermarché. Je passe mes vacances ici – je suis touriste. On peut y aller à vélo?


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