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Towards post-2015 Disaster Risk Reduction Framework GEO Ministerial Summit, side event: “Natural Disaster Mitigation and Earth Observations: a GEOSS.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards post-2015 Disaster Risk Reduction Framework GEO Ministerial Summit, side event: “Natural Disaster Mitigation and Earth Observations: a GEOSS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards post-2015 Disaster Risk Reduction Framework GEO Ministerial Summit, side event: “Natural Disaster Mitigation and Earth Observations: a GEOSS perspective” Pedro Basabe, Dr. ès Sc. Senior Programme Officer

2 Disaster Risk Reduction agenda. Towards a post-2015 DRR Framework.
Content: Vision and Statistics. Disaster Risk Reduction agenda. Towards a post-2015 DRR Framework.

3 “Disaster risk reduction is essential to
sustainable development. It helps save and preserve the achievements of our development efforts. It helps mitigate the destructive effects of natural disasters on physical materials, as well as social and economic infrastructures.” H.E. Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia, addressing the 5th Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction in Yogyakarta, 23 October 2012

4 Disaster events are on the rise

5 Increase of exposure of people and economic assets to natural hazards
Photo: Floods in Bangkok

6 I 6

7 I II United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) main functions Coordinate: International efforts disaster risk reduction and provide guidance for the implementation of the HFA and monitor its implementation (Global, Regional and National Platforms) Advocate: for a culture of “resilience” and greater investment in DRR actions to protect people’s lives and assets (multi-sectoral approach: CC, education, gender, SDGs. Campaign: Making Cities Resilient, Safe Schools and Hospitals , Sasakawa Award International Day for Disaster Reduction  Living with disabilities and disasters. Inform: Provide evidences: Global Assessment Report (GAR), HFA Report, Terminology, PreventionWeb. Where: Geneva Hqs, Regional Offices in Africa, Americas, Arab States, Asia and Pacific and Europe.

8 I Hyogo Framework for Action : Building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters (HFA) 2nd World Conference on Disaster Reduction, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, Jan 2005. HFA Overall Objective: ” substantially reduce disaster losses, in lives, social, economic and environmental assets…” HFA 3 Strategic goals: The integration of DRR into sustainable development policies and planning. The development and strengthening of institutions, mechanisms and capacities to build resilience to hazards. The systematic incorporation of risk reduction approaches into the implementation of emergency preparedness, response and recovery programmes. HFA 5 Priorities of Action: From policies, programmes, risk identification, knowledge  preparedness. Multi-hazard, multi-sectoral and holistic approach. Implementation at regional, national and city levels.

9 HFA and space-based earth observations
II HFA and space-based earth observations Five priorities for action Governance: Risk identification and EWs: iii) k): Support the improvement of scientific and technical methods and capacities for risk assessment, monitoring and EW, through research, partnerships, training and technical capacity-building. Promote the application of in-situ and space-based earth observations, space technologies, remote sensing, GIS, hazard modelling and prediction… for risk assessment and EW. Knowledge, education and culture of resilience: i) d) Promote the use, application and affordability of recent information, communication and space-based technologies and related services, as well as earth observations, to support DRR, particularly for training , sharing and dissemination… Reducing the underlying risk factors Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response

10 Ex: National Disaster Inventories
II What is DesInventar? DesInventar is one of the very few existing proven methodologies and tools for building disaster databases. It permits the homogeneous capture, analysis and graphic representation of information on disaster occurrence and loss. It has been under continuous development and improvement since the inception of the project in late 1993, when the Network for Social Studies on Disaster Prevention in Latin America (LA RED) started to build systematic disaster inventory databases Where has it been used? The DesInventar methodology has been extensively tested and used in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean to build their disaster inventories. DesInventar is used as an input to their risk analysis, risk mitigation, the formulation of early warning systems, as well as a tool to follow up the success or evolution of their preparedness and mitigation plans along time, and even in many disaster situations as in the cases of El Niño disaster in Perú, hurricane Mitch in Honduras, Armenia (Colombia) and El Salvador earthquakes, the Tsunami disaster and Cyclone Nargis in Asia. UNDP and UNISDR have promoted and sponsored the work in several countries of the English Caribbean (Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana, Antigua), and in Asia UNDP has supported development of disaster inventories in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Iran, Tamil Nadu and Orissa states of India and Indonesia. Most recently Vietnam has initiated work on building disaster inventories. What are the benefits of using DesInventar? DesInventar is a tool that helps to analyze the disaster trends and their impacts in a systematic manner. With increased understanding of the disaster trends and their impacts, better prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures can be planned to reduce the impact of disasters on the communities. DesInventar Inventories record and analyse the occurrence and effects of natural disasters Disaggregated information is provided in tabular and graphical form (maps and charts) National data are available on-line 10

11 Regional Ex: CAPRA - Risk Modelling
II Regional Ex: CAPRA - Risk Modelling CAPRA is a Disaster Risk Information Platform for use in decision-making that is based on a unified methodology and tools for evaluating and expressing disaster risk. Building on—and strengthening—existing initiatives, CAPRA was developed by experts to consolidate hazard and risk assessment methodologies and raise risk management awareness. CAPRA is an open source platform for risk analysis and decision making, which applies probabilistic techniques to hazard and loss assessment. The platform was designed from the start to be modular and extensible. Hazard information is combined with exposure and physical vulnerability data, allowing the user to determine conjoint or cascade risk on an inter-related multi-hazard basis, distinguishing the platform from previous single hazard analyses. The CAPRA suite of software includes hazard mapping, risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis tools to support pro-active risk management. CAPRA can also be used to design risk-financing strategies. Seismic hazard of Latin America 2010, Return Period 1,000 years (CAPRA: CRISIS 2007) CAPRA and DESINVENTAR are Free, Open Source Tools

12 Third World Conference on DRR  Towards a Post-2015 Framework for DRR
III Third World Conference on DRR  Towards a Post-2015 Framework for DRR UN General Assembly Resolution 67/209 (Dec 2012) decided to convene the UN third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction to: Review the implementation of the HFA over its 10-year term. Adopt a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction. UNISDR was requested to serve as the secretariat of the World Conference and facilitate the development of a post-2015 framework for DRR, and to coordinate the preparatory activities in consultation with all relevant stakeholders. Save the Date: March, 2015 in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.

13 IV I

14 Groups participating in HFA2 consultations
IV Groups participating in HFA2 consultations OTHER PARTNERS Private Sector Academic, Scientific and Technical Communities NGOs and Civil Society Organizations Self-organizing communities Women’s groups Children Persons with disabilities Elderly PUBLIC SECTOR National governments Inter-governmental organizations Parliamentarians Local governments Mayors

15 III Proposed Elements for consideration in the Posr-2015 Framework for DRR (by the SRSG M. Wahlstrom) Mortality at least for weather-related hazards has decreased, but economic loss and damage due to disasters continues to increase, in particular due to massive increase in hazard exposure. To better consider underlying risk drivers and apply policies into practices. Opportunity to synchronise and harmonise Post-2015 DRR Framework with Sustainable Development Agenda and Mitigation/adaptation to CC. Expected Outcomes of the WCDRR-3 (Sendai, March 2015): The post-2015 framework for DRR with defined targets and indicators, enhanced monitoring system and period review process. The voluntary commitments of stakeholders  ex: EO community. Political Declaration.

16 Thank you for your attention
V Thank you for your attention We look forward for further collaboration to build the resilience of nations and communities to disasters.

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