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Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage. Did you know… The location of one of the first megachurches in America was the __________________ U.S.

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Presentation on theme: "Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage. Did you know… The location of one of the first megachurches in America was the __________________ U.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage

2 Did you know… The location of one of the first megachurches in America was the __________________ U.S. Capital Building

3 Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage Did you know… For many years, _______________ had a front row seat for worship services that took place every Sunday in that building. Thomas Jefferson

4 Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage Did you know… Even though the _________________ has ruled against the display of the Ten Commandments in government buildings, there are several representations of them chiseled in stone in the building where this ruling was decided. U.S. Supreme Court

5 Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage Did you know… The term Separation of Church and State used in a letter by _______________ to protect Danbury Baptists from religious persecution by the Connecticut state government Thomas Jefferson

6 Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Excerpt from TJs original letter

7 Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem. Th Jefferson Jan. 1, 1802. Excerpt from TJs original letter

8 Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage View video

9 Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage Psalm 33:12a (NIV) Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord A prayer for our nation…

10 Re-Discovering Our Nations Christian Heritage To learn more visit

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