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Is Technology Necessary for Education? Lindsey Rand.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Technology Necessary for Education? Lindsey Rand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Technology Necessary for Education? Lindsey Rand

2 Yes or No? Cost of technology in schools Effects of using technology in schools Role of teachers Homework with technology

3 Yes Cost of Technology in Schools Paper textbook versus online textbook E-book is cheaper, same content Cost of ink, printing, binding, etc. Shipping cost

4 Yes Effects of Using Technology in Schools Skyrocket of test scores Online classes

5 Yes Role of Teachers Advanced lesson plans Easier to communicate with parents Access to resources

6 Yes Homework With Technology Ability to look up information Aid for homework assignments Homework help websites

7 No Cost of Technology in Schools Smart Boards Purchased with money from taxpayers Increase of college tuition cost

8 Did your high school classrooms have Smart Boards? 72.73%

9 No Effects of Using Technology in Schools Distractions Frustration from too much game playing Deteriorating of writing skills Lack of patience Decrease in physical activity Social Media

10 Do you do assignments with multiple tabs open on your computer? (Music, Social Media, etc.) 81.82%

11 No Role of Teachers Less jobs with technology increase Are teachers really needed? Enough money to pay teachers?

12 No Homework With Technology Lack of self teaching Relying on Internet for the answers

13 How often do you rely on your computer to do assignments? 63.64% 36.36%

14 Answer: NO Technology is NOT good for education

15 References important-but-costly/ important-but-costly/ costs-not-education.html costs-not-education.html faces-questions-on-value.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 faces-questions-on-value.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 about-technology-you-do about-technology-you-do,2817,2419920,00.asp education-31222.html education-31222.html d=d289d15e-404b-4f50-bf38- 15e8fbaf11e8%40sessionmgr111&hid=119&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3Qtb Gl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=afh&AN=89394429

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