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- Ms. Mc - Midway 6 th grade  To find the mean of a set of data, add all of the numbers in the set (like your teacher does to find your average.  Then.

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Presentation on theme: "- Ms. Mc - Midway 6 th grade  To find the mean of a set of data, add all of the numbers in the set (like your teacher does to find your average.  Then."— Presentation transcript:


2 - Ms. Mc - Midway 6 th grade

3  To find the mean of a set of data, add all of the numbers in the set (like your teacher does to find your average.  Then divide the sum by the number of numbers you added together.  ( sum of numbers)/#of numbers = mean

4  I mean, mean, mean  To take my average high! ( point to the sky)  Repeat  While saying these lines, snap fingers

5  To find the median (middle) number in the data, line the numbers up from least to greatest or greatest to least.  If there is an odd number of numbers, then it will be the one in the middle  If there is an even number of numbers, then take the two in the middle and average them.  Example: 80, 82, 85, 90, 97  The 85 is the median.

6  When I stand in the middle,  I’m in the median.  When I stand in the middle,  I’m in the median.  When I stand in the middle,  I’m in the median.  Remember the middle of the highway is called the median.

7  The mode of the data is the number that occurs the most.  There can be more than one mode.  Or there can be no mode if no numbers recur.  Example: 80, 80, 82, 85, 86, 86, 93  80 & 86 are the modes.

8  The mo, mo, most,  It is the mode.  Repeat

9  To find the range for a set of data, find the difference of the Greatest and the Least.  Greatest – Least = Range  Data Example: 80, 12, 84, 50, 92  Greatest 92 – Least 12 = 80 (the range)

10  The Greatest less the Least  It is the Range  Repeat

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